27 July, 2016
Organized Stalkers Around Me - July 10-14, 2016
Posted by JB at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - July 18th, 2016
Posted by JB at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - July 20-21st, 2016
Posted by JB at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - July 24-25th, 2016
Posted by JB at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
23 July, 2016
Organized Stalkers Around Me - July 22nd, 2016
Well, I'm trying to reduce my books by making photo copied books to be carried with me while I send them back to my family's home or give away to my Christian friends. Photocopy is just for the personal use and nothing really harmful.
Well, today, I visited Our Lady of Health church on the hill in Kotor. This is the third year visiting there on my birthday. It's a long run tradition for me. Not much things happened. Some Japanese logo people walking around.
Then I took a boat to Perast and Our Lady of Otok. In the boat, I saw two Muslim families. Muslims are rare in Kotor and they seemed to be in the weird location - the tour to visit the churches. Ok, here is the evidence of these potentially dangerous Muslims.
Near Perast, I saw a Japanese flag boat showed up and ported next to the tour boat. How can a Jap boat to be available? Well, there were a man with Japanese writing? T-shirt and a woman with "twin" tattoo in my boat, so they could be all just counted for the gang stalkers.
Well, just check out the video. It's a legendary Muslim landing Our Lady of Otok island.
Posted by JB at 3:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Christianity, Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
17 July, 2016
Some Chinese character logos around me these days
Today, I saw a Romanian car with "hurry, first place" logo. It's rare to find Chinese characters unless they are gang stalkers.
There are so many Germans and Bosnian cars around. Why Turkish and Bosnian cars in Tivat to Kotor area? Are they all the Muslim extremists gang stalkers? Then, I caught some future terrorists in my camera :) take some out for safety from the beach area. There are Russians swimming here and there and they could be targetd by these crazy Turks.
Got my PC slow, so I upload photo here later. I have them on Tumblr.
Posted by JB at 1:01 AM 0 comments
12 July, 2016
The V2K Various Stories - a book
The V2K Various Stories is 500yen or 5 dollars in other sales site. It got 100 pages in total and over 60,000 words. Enough size and rare stories.

Posted by JB at 2:45 AM 0 comments
09 July, 2016
Organized Stalkers Around Me - July 7th, 2016
Well, here is the story from July 7th. Some Muslims in Tivat Also Turkish cars and BiH cars around as if Muslims doing the terrorism, hahaha. I filmed them. If something happened, they would be the responsible ones. Muslims are always bad ones and seeing some would give a bad omen.
Posted by JB at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
My Mexican rosary stolen and all religious items gone - July 7th, 2016
On July 7th, I lost my St. Stephan Basilica money poach with 5000CHF in t. It got also my Our Lady of Guadalupe rosary and the necklace and other pendants. So, my religious items from previous trips were all gone. It could be related with the mind control to forget something while I put it with my left hand. There could be the pattern of this mind trick. I touch it and move it with my left hand and the V2K speakers continuously talking to me or do some suggesting and forget the staff I put to the left. And I move away from the location without watching it. It happened to me last time at a restaurant in Makarska, Croatia in 2009. It was the day I had Mixed Meat menu. And two days ago, similar thing happened. The V2K speakers told me that I would get something stolen if I swim at the beach. I just entered the water and thought it would be only 1 hour duration at Tivat. My my valuables locked in the bag and the bag strings and shoe strings were all tied to make it a chunck of stuffs together. And the problem was the time I moved stuffs around after I left the beach. I saw the money poach in the bottom of my bag. I put it out and thought of put it in the pocket of my jeans but it was tight and just put it somewhere. I thought of put it in the side poach as it was there all the time. I packed things up and left the beach. There was this not seeing the beach again or eye sight movement control to unnotice stuffs. The V2K perps said that they are using the university master class for the technology and they said that some Japanese came from Dubrovnik in Croatia where more of these small crimes they do.
Well, I visited the police station yesterday. It was around 4pm in Tivat and later the police brought "Japanese" translators. And I accidentally filmed them for the evidence - I was scared of these Jap speakers, you know. Too many Jap gang stalkers doing bad things on me. A guy to the left in the film is called as "Mr. Kuroda" and another is a Montenegli man who speaks Japanese also.
These two guys speaking Japanese brought a small notebook for each for writing something in. They asked me some questions for the group talk and the Montenegli guy told me that he saw me at the supermarket at the Tivat bus station yesterday. I don't know how he saw me there - I went there twice - the time the bus arrived to Tivat and another time was I found the missing money poach and was so so pissed off and pored the left over soda into the trash can at the entrance and just throwing in the groceries to the shopping cart thing. It was like that. The receipt got 7.77€ total for a joke. It reminded me of the 777 Jackpot logo T-shirt guy at Sofia, Bulgaria on June 9th, 2013 for the theft of my wallet. That was just pissing me off more. The Montenegli translator asked me several questions like how I got money and how he saw me at the supermarket and why you did something to the clerk or something I don't really know. Well, the guy to the right in the film could be a perp. The perps could bring people for the surveillance and harassment.
Posted by JB at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Diary, Gang Stalking