11 October, 2008

The letter from Jugendanwaltschaft, Kanton Aargau

Finally, I received the letter from the judge. It took me about half a year to receive something after I filed the case at Kantonspolizei at Aarau. I could have share more information on the residents who stalked me from Aarau Stadt to Buchs AG. It was a surprise to discover Mara Alpha was underage while he "was" drinking with Abkur Dalow Abshir and other refugees. Mara Alpha tried to steal my grocery bag when I was at the Aarau train station. Mara Alpha damaged the screan of my room window at Casa Torfeld II and shouting "one bottle." How much psychological damage did I received from these actions as well as the residents harassing me? They involved in mobbing and claiming me mentally ill. If I became sensitive enough to cause the hypervigilance, then it is clear who caused that. Because they tried character assassination of me, I exposed who were working on making false rumors.
I share my case as I know it would help other gang stalking victims to stand up against the illegal surveillance and psychological operation. I hope my information would help others for some way.