12 May, 2009

What the meaning of this blog? The reason why I write here.

I understand the Swiss authorities may aware of what I write here, or other blogs. When I started this blog, I was just thinking to write something to share with others. I had no intention of exposing my status nor my name. When I wrote my website about what happened at SJSU, I first tried to use "x" mark to hide the true letters. For instance, if I wrote about Dr. English-Lueck, I used Dr. Exxxxx-Lxxxx. What changed the circumstance? I think that was the continuous harassments doen by the Swiss organized stalkers - or should I say police/FBI informants? I lived with them. Everyday, I was exposed to the sensitization techniques such as NLP anchoring of showing the same materials by the residents - knife, rosary, coke bottle, onion, etc. They also speaked out the same things - outside, school, transfer, etc. They were able to came to my room or walked in the hallway to speak up something for gaslighting. The same people showed up everywhere I go. In other words, my reality was "boxed" by the same people or same materials.

To make things worse, these people knew what their activity will cause eventually. Some of them shouted and spread rumors that I am crazy and suggested me to go to hospital. This is what Communist country like China uses to opress political dissidents. I learned the coutnerrevolutionary strategy in Dr. English-Lueck's class. And the very same strategy is used in both the US and Switzerland. I heard the same strategy in Japan and I observed some when I stayed for few months.

While the group of people engaged in the mobbing and stalking, they also try to claim the target mentally ill. The people will act as if the taget is either criminal or mentally ill. In my case, I was claimed as "suicidal" and received the mental health record in California. It happened on my way the class room. I had no intention to be suicidal nor hart someone. Sgt. John Laws , Dr. English-Lueck, and another UPD officer claimed so and the police thought the "possibility." In Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Emergency Acute Psychiatric Services, I was diagnosed as "danger to self and danger to others." This is how such redicurous thing is capable to happen when the people around the one works together to make up things. I do not have much information about SJSU case, but I have information of Swiss organized stalkers. As they tried the same, I exposed their activities. The ones making up claims against me like stealing foods, boots, oil are exposed in this blog and other websites. Since they made up some false accusations on me, I exposed them. I do not want to make up to be guilty by the people working for claiming something against people on their "black list." About SJSU, I knew some students started to work in the government agencies as they were speaking about their jobs and my apartment basement was half filled with out of state cars. I was followed by the DOD people later. If I was just mentally ill, then how come US military personels stalking me? Some professors uses their title as the cover for the CIA activities. I supposed to be mentally ill. But what was the reason to be so? And what caused me to be so? It was just a psychiatric injury caused by the SJSU students and professors. And in Casa Torfeld I, it was about the residents asked to stay there by the police. Many residents "transfered" to another location while some active ones like Abkur Dalow Abshir stayed. Because of their threats and living in the room without a room key, I had to excape to the hotel near Aarau trainstation. If I was just crazy, there supposed to be no reason I had to run away to stay in another place.

If the people believes the opposit, I supposed to be crazy because of the actual death threat happened and no security guard in the refugee residence.

I can prove the problem at Casa Torfeld I in Buchs AG was the environment that caused me psychiatric injury. I reacted as so by creating the German website due to the PTSD. If I have real mental problem, what did I stop to take pictures of people around me? When the organized stalkers act something obvious such as taking picture (NLP anchoring of mimicking my action from the past) in public, I simply notice about here.

On last Friday, I experienced sudden sleepiness for one hour. It started from when I was in the post office in Zofingen, then somewhat it continued till I finished shopping at Migros. I had no idea what happened, but later I learned that such sudden sleepiness would be caused by the technology already developed.

The stimoceiver, invented by Dr. Jose Delgado, consists of wires
running from strategic points in the brain to a radio
receiver/transmitter located entirely under the skin. Through this
device, Delgado was able to stimulate raw emotions such as arousal,
anxiety, and aggression with the turn of a knob.
Of course, secret research by the US Government into microwaves and
synthetic telepathy has moved on considerably since the end of the
Cold War ... secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in
unsuspecting victims: "Headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness,
menstrual disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness,
sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of
It was only that day. When I was talking with the clark, I felt so sleepy. It was really hard to speak up words. Today, I visited the post and my number was 659B and talked with the same female clark like Friday. This time, nothing happened and I was able to communicate without problem. I do not know what the Friday was about.

My guess is it was probably done by V2K, or so called microwave voice hearing technique. I never had such sudden sleepiness. The prevention would be listening to the sound that create either Alpha or Beta brainwaves to the listener. I do not know if my hypothesis works or not as that Friday was the only time I had something strange sleepiness. I don't know if the last Friday's incident relates with receiving the decision, dated on Monday (May 11th). 2 years of waiting decision is quite fast to pass.. I wonder why the Swiss born Somali man, Abkur Dalow Abshir had N Ausweis. I bet such evidences are important for the appearl.


Unknown said...

Dear Miyoko:
thanks for answering.
If you read "NATO's secret armies", from Professor Daniele Ganser, you'll get a lot of information and understanding about this CIA/Pentagon secret networks, working since 40 years in most of European countries (also in Swiss), and all the links with local police and information services. You can buy this book in Amazon. Professor D. Ganser teaches history in Basilea University. This undercover structures were initially established to act as a guerrilla in case of a USSR comunist invasion of Europe. They are experts in savotage and manipulation covert actions.
They are always training and expanding their information capabilities. Gangstalking is applying continuous and pervasive sabotage over the life of the target individual. They use it for training their informants networks.
Now days this people intend to covertly influence in the socio-political conditions of European Countries.
