03 December, 2009

Gang stalking in Catholic churches in Budapest

After I went into a Catholic church, a couple came and hanged around in the building for awhile. Then a mid-age woman came at the entrance door, the couple left. When a man came to the door, the woman left. It was like people trying to stay in the room to occupy there not to leave me alone. The church was empty when I went in though. This was my experience at the one on Vaci u.
In another church, The entrance door was open but the door to the inner part was locked. There was kneelers on the both side of the door. When I went in and tried to look inside and stayed there, few people showed up. In less than few minutes, the area between the entrance door and the inner door was occupied with more than 6 people. It was quite crowded because there wasn't enough space. I was curious how long they would stay, so I decided to use the kneeler and pray for a while. Then one man came and tried to use same kneeler as I was using by kneeling down next to me to the right. The crowd eventually disappeared, and the man left within 10 minutes or so. After that, I noticed a woman looking inside from the window next to the entrance door. I saw her from the reflection on the glass window in front of the kneeler. It seemed to be the clear evidence of how I was always watched by someone. Then I wondered if these perps were working for the secret police during the Communist period and now is recruited by the gang stalking group which wanted to keep the similar type of surveillance in the area. Someone is always watching you in the church while trying to pray.. That was as if something I saw in the movie, "The Life of an Agent," about the how informants are recruited and trained during the Communist Hungary. Maybe we, TIs, can make a movie like these from the victim side as the real documentary film. I've tried it with my "Organized Stalkers Around Me (OSAM)" series on YouTube, but if we can do it in groups, then it might provide much clear evidences of how police informants are watching us in so called democratic nations. When I left the church, I figured out the woman was a begger asking money to the people going in and out from the church. This happened at the church near the Batthyany train station. To think about beggers who often come to churches to ask money after the mass, they might be recruited by the gang stalkers to pay attention to check the people who are attending the church. I have seen beggers outside of the church in Paris and other places, but it seems they would be easily spotted and the TIs may be able to notice them as potential perps.

I share the video of the surrounding after I left the church I mentioned second. You can see how the begger woman stood at the outside of the entrance door and some people left the church. The church was empty when I went in, but after I walked in, people started to show up. These people might say they are doing the covert operation to prevent terrorism, but that seemed only the harassment against a TI tourist. If the church wants surveillance, they always put surveillance camera within or around the church. These people were like showing up to harass the target psychologically. If you are a TI and visit Budapest, you might experience similar situation. Do not forget to visit Memento Park and watch the movie of how Communist Hungary recruited agents and trained them. It's fun to watch with perps to laugh about what they do and what similar people act in the movie. One scene was like the suspect dropped an envelop in the post box, and the agent was asked to drop something to mention to the post office worker to notice which one when he picks up, the agent dropped the notebook he was carrying to write the report and get scold by his boss...


Anonymous said...

I was selected as target individual in 1978, when I was assisting a boarding Catholic School in Southern England.I was then 13 years old. My parents sent me there a schoolyear to learn english.
In 1978 the IRA was doing a lot of killings and there was a huge hatred wave against Catholics. Freemasons in England are quite anti-catholic oriented and historically it has not been unusually that Catholics become subject of hate campaigns. The Order of Orange are openly anti-catholic.
British army and Mi5 are full of Freemason high-rank officers that are anti-catholic biased. So no wonder I got selected then as TI. I was also the only Spaniard student, and many Freemasons are anti-Europe oriented,most of them conservative oriented, real fanatics of the Protestant Church, the Queen. Freemasons have historically develop the Brithish Empire using all sorts of wicked foreign policy, they are quite reluctant with Southern European nationalities (Italy, Spain, Portugal). They are also strongly anti-french.
The problem here is that british military intelligence masons, through alliance with their Pentagon and CIA "brothers" , control NATO and all the rest of European secret services and polices, including Interpol, the EU, the Strasburg Court of Human Rights,... United Nations, World Bank, ...and what have you.
This is huge, its such a powerful network its allmighty, there is no chance any TI can find a way out of this military organised harassment. Really the only possibility could be to leave in non-NATO countries, maybe the harassment there would not be so strong.
During all these years I have experienced an increase in intensivity of this gang stalking harassment. I understand this is due to the mobile satellite technology, that works as a bugging device as well as a GPS. This allows for a real time harassment network managment, using thousands of zombied perps.
These zombies are manipulated/threatened citizens deluded and lured to work as civil spies, with around the clock availability throught their mobiles. These poor people must be ready for the automatic orders received throught mobile messages as a TI walks by near their position.
My experience is that perps are many times ex-convicts working as police informants and agents provocateurs, ready to commit whatever covert crime their told.
During all my years as TI, I have been subject to all type of sabotages, including several sabotages in my car, with the inttention of producing a car accident with a likely death result.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Deeboy said...

Your experience in Hungary can easy be explained. At the End of world war II the Communists forced people in Eastern Europe to choose between Russian orthodox and Roman catholic churches. See Poland, Romania etc BeloRus, Ukraine etc.
Most of Southern Poland and Northern Hungary was actually Converted to Greek Slavic Orthodox in the 9th century. 100 years before the rest of the area converted to Roman(Latin rite) Catholic in the 10th century.
A Greek Catholic (Slavonic Rite) was offically set up after 1596. But there were an Unoffical cross communion between some independant Russian orthodox and Roman Catholic Bishops before that.
Today in the Ukraine some gangs run into Russian orthodox Churches beat up people and try to force the Bishop to reture the Parish to Roman but maintain the Eastern rite. And since the Fall of communism an Greek catholic rite church has been restablished in Hungary and attempte are being made to restore a Greek catholic rite in Poland. The stalking and Gang activity was probably an attempt to keep Parishioners under the Latin rite.