08 September, 2010

Possible unknown cohera type implant

Few days ago, I found some pain in the back of my right ear. I don't think I hit or scratched it in my daily activity. One morning, I woke up and felt some pain like from scratch. When I touched it, I felt that part got somewhat less flexible skin. And I also found small bump along the pinna, the outer side of the ear. There is no significant change of my life nor EH from this discovery. First, I thought of Mastoiditis, but there is no huge bump but the scar-type bump along the pinna.


Anonymous said...

I think anorexia is also caused by mind control covert radiation, as well as a high percentage of depressions that end up as suicides. Military mind control tecnology is used to manipulate young woman's behaviour and make them autoinflicting behaviours.
Psychiatry is used then to justify anorexia as psychiatric disorder.