23 September, 2010

Project Censored: Electromagnetic Weapon Report

Have you read the electromagnetic weapon report created by Professor Peter Phillips' Project Censored? If you are a TI and having problem of electronic harassment symptoms in your life yet are afraid to come out to the people around you because of the fear to be treated as a mentally ill? Try to share the report. It helps you to feel much ease for the coming out.


For the professors claiming to be activists yet working for the government - like the ones in SJSU (e.g. Dr. Roberto Gonzalez or Dr. Wiggsy Sivertsen) won't tell you the real conspiracy theory and how innocents are mistreated by the government agencies. They only tell the information to make the students aware of the information, but they do not allow anyone to act against it. What these professors do is to put the students into a group and to be supervised by the selected leader so that the students will be treated as a herd. It's a type of civil control, you know. The leaders won't let you act anything or you would be reported to be the subject of gang stalking and you will end up as the test subject for the covert operations. In Gaza, the strategy is quite similar. I know Code Pink and other activists helping Palestine but Hamas is under the treatment by Israel like once Sen. Ron Paul stated in the congress meeting, and actually the US weapons are used in Gaza.
As you know, I'm not anti-American. I'm just a supporter of Sen. Ron Paul and his son, Sen. Rand Paul.

The two-week military onslaught has resulted in the deaths of over 700 Palestinians, including more than 300 civilians, mostly victims of U.S. weaponry.
In comparison, the Israeli death toll is about seven soldiers and four civilians, primarily due to "friendly fire", or victims of rocket attacks by Hamas.
Deen, T. U.S. Weaponry Facilitates Killings in Gaza. http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=45337)
Politics in the Middle East is quite interesting. The perps here seems to be still idealizing US culture and American things. I can tell more about the perps, but that would be after I travel to another country.