05 March, 2012

Meininger Hostel in München, Germany

Do you know what makes a hostel/hotel a bad place? It's all about gang stalkers. They harass the target and sometimes do the theft and damages on the target's belongings. Here is a good example happened recently and I got full information recorded. There were many Japanese people showed up but that part would be for the Japanese perp list and for the Japanese TIs. Some of them are majoring in medical fields, so I can imagine that they are capable to handle covert "UFO-type" implanting to other chemical uses. I got many Japanese perps still, but they seem to be no harm, just hanging around behind some mothers with children walking toward me or something. But it is nice to mention "toxic people" so someone won't get a pray by their gang stalking activities.

Meininger Hostel I got:
- One Stanford-logo man
- Some US Army related people
- Some Japanese travelers
- frequent police officer visits!!! (featured in the video)
- frequent passing of fire tracks, ambulance, and police cars.
- damages on my suitcase, missing pile of notes and my few textbooks

The below video shows the footage of the day I was in the room #611. I moved my luggages in late afternoon and I was away till 11.30pm. There were 5 Chinese speaking women in the room which is 6 bed room. After 2am, I heard some women and a man talking in the room. The man started to wake me up asking "what's your name?" and treated me as if I'm a stranger walked into the room. I was in the different room before and but the staffs did not recognize me at all. When I went back to the room, the Chinese women were there but they did not ask me anything at all. My luggage was there, so they should know someone else already put stuffs in the room. I should mention here that I found the damage on my sleeping bag's cover which I left on my bed to claim where I would sleep. I did not film it but I got picture of the damage to share. The reception guy, Paul, started asking me to show my room key or some proof of my reservation at 2am. So, I started filming the situation for the evidence of what was going on at middle of the night. I don't film in the dorm room normally unless I cannot access to my voice recorder or I was in the possible threat and physical damages from others. Although the Chinese women were with Paul, they went back to their bed pretending to sleep. So, I felt like it was the set up for the gang stalking skit, and started acting like a journalist. I asked the Chinese women why they asked reception for stranger in the room when they are 5 people. They say that they were in different room but they had "problem" and moved here and so on. What kind of problem is that??? Anyway, they brought someone to wake me up at 2am. They all left in less than 3 minutes. All of them had small luggages as if they are temporary hired or the gang stalking and working or visiting for such purpose. These Chinese women had no logic at all. They did not rent up the room paying for the six people, so it means they should expect someone else in the room. I wonder if they are student in UK or something showing up for the gang stalking purpose. If so, you can imagine the level of their logical understanding, I mean the basic algebra part.

Next day, I was still in the same room while no one else was in the room. In morning, I found the damage on my suitcase. Which originally happened in 4U Hostel, where another woman had similar suitcase damage. Also, I got my towel got hole on it for some mysterious reason. I got some video about that incident to share later though. And one US Army cap wearing old guy there asking me about my external hard drive. He asked me if the device is connected to the Internet or not. Strange question, isn't it? I glued it with textile glue, and it was quite sticked well. But the suitcase was again damaged.

I came back at late afternoon and found someone cleaned the room. I found my paper bag with some textbooks and papers in it missing. I put it on my bed near my pillow. Who wants to steal old books and notes? The bag was gone!!! I complained it at the reception. Later, I came back and found the bag was at the reception. I picked it up. The female clerk mentioned me that it was the day I supposed to leave. I said I have a room till Saturday, the next morning. They asked me to see my card and such. The second time the hostel workers asking me to show the proof of the reservation. Last night, I supposed to be in #309, but the clerk gave me the key for #611. It's not my mistake. And again they asked me to change the room. I have no idea why they are using computer for booking while they don't know where they send their guests or how long they would stay. Monkey work, or worse. Isn't that what people would call as mental problem or paranoia? As for the TIs, I often get the claim like that while the people claiming are acting like that. Then they gave me the new key, but this time they made the mistake on the date, which they put as February instead of March. A big difference, isn't it?

Just like the regular stores, restaurants, and hotels where gang stalkers often showed up, the hostel often has the police officers visiting. However, these cops won't do anything about the damages on the guest's personal properties. Intelligence work? Or the CIA face company? Either way, you see what it really look like to stay in Meininger Hostel as a TI. Property damage and gaslighting. Tell me why the police showing up and the damages and strange harassment going on. Isn't it COINTELPRO?

I hope you now know what the perpetrators working in hostels look like.


Nat-Mau said...

I commented on another of your posts and am a target in southern cali. I've had police follow me too, but I started writing down license plates, not so obvious anymore. I find that the gangstalking aspect of this targeting doesn't work so much on me b/c ---I KNOW the people they employ are cowards--just like EVERYONE who is involved in this type of crime, so they don't scare me. I WISH they would say something to me or touch me. So since I know they will do nothing but look, why worry about them? The way this works is if the target reacts or becomes paranoid about certain activity. THey want a trigger. It's all about the power of suggestion. I'm not afraid of the cops either b/c I know they are of the same ilk--cowards in the employ of the state. NOt all. But the ones who use their authority to bully and lord over others--they are straight up cowards and sociopaths at the very least. Don't scare me.
So I guess this is why my targeting pretty much centers on constant audio harassment that's fed to me and stupid knock-off sound effects (like a moo-ing voice that I'm assuming is SUPPOSED to be spooky and simulate a ghost or something--totally buffoonish and amateurish--WHO can take crap like this seriously OR the people who ACTUALLY came up with it?) THIS is the best the United States mis-nomered intelligence community could come up with after over 50 years of research and development and probably TRILLIONS of dollars? What a sick,sick joke! And I'm supposed to be scared of this bs?!!! I bet China & Russia are having a nice laugh.
Visit my blog: http://www.rosemary'sbabiesandcompany.blogspot.com

JB said...

Nat-Mau, I got some Koreans with Russian writing toothpastes and some other incidents related with Chinese/Russians. But they might be those pro NWO/UN-backed people working for the gang stalking. They are economic hitmen and they only do jobs of what they are asked. Like the Tibetan group speaking of "free Tibet" while they work together with Chinese for harassing a victim. If you are writing down license plate number, why don't you use spreadsheet to make it on a list sharable? That way, you can post them anywhere on the Internet for protesting and sharing with other TIs in your area.

JB said...

By the way, I found Ms. Sohn in C&A near Frauenkirche do some skits. I bought a pair of T-shirt on-sale. When I went to the cashier, Ms. Sohn was at the counter and she changed a glance with another clerk next to her and took out the 2 T-shirts in one hanger. Then she started asking me question like "there is no price tag for this one" pointing the white T-shirt. I said they came together in German, and she did not do anything. I knew there were some paired T-shirts still on the shelves in upper floors and they can check these ones out. I don't know why Ms. Sohn asked me such a silly question after removing both. Also, when I tried a jacket in the change room, I found someone went in behind of mine and started talking on the phone. Then I noticed there was a price tag dropped on the floor as if the woman behind of me just slipped it in from the space under the separating wall. I often have these price tag dropped inside of the change room. Well, the tag had nothing to do with my T-shirts pair. I have seen the same T-shirts sold in the pairs in different countries and I decided to buy this time before it's gone. I wonder if that is how the perps make free clothes out of nothing by making up the theft claim on the TIs....

dogtrainer said...

What happen to you at the Meininger hotel was most likely because of bad management. With bad management you have workers getting away with whatever they want to do including crime.

It was most likely the workers that were damaging-steeling your property.

Sometimes hotels run like the Meininger are managed that way because they know the local corrupt police will back (support) the hotel whenever they have a problem with a guest. This is because the hotel is likely letting the police (Illegally) search guest rooms whenever the police request.

Because of this--you scratch my back, I will scratch your back, the hotel workers also know they will not get caught by the police as they continue with their illegal activtes at the hotel

You did the right thing by using your voice and standing up to them.

Standing up to them tells then (reminds them) of the choices they are making (the risk they are taking) when they disrespect guest and their property.