I'm in Budapest now. Visited the evening mass at St. Istevan church. At the communion time, I saw one man taking a photo from the rope line at the main aisle.
I saw a German car after I left the hostel and it parked nearby.
At night, there was one Spanish car around.
One German car near the Arena mall.
There is a big fest with a Ferris Wheel in the square near the church. I'm leaving to Poland tomorrow. Katwice to Amsterdam area would be something just look like how the Anne Frank traveled and ended in the memorial place north of Hannover. I make my way around there in next week after playing for John Paul II and peace for the Christians under persecution from Muslims like me or others lived or living in the area with Muslim extremists around. It's my choice how to fight and strugle against these Muslims or the bad gang stalkers who want to make up people to be Muslims and getting money from the government or other organizations. Shall I buy pork oil and put it around? That was the point I found out doing it in Budapest can make the "Muslim bating" ending up "Jew bating." You know, that cracked me to have a laugh. There is a pork grilling stand in the festival in the square, so enjoy it. I wanna bring the pork head around near the Turkish restaurants and eat the pork sandwiches in front of it. It's just anti-Islam people's dream, you know. I fight with my words and that I sweared today in the church. Hopefully, I have time to finish my book with extra updating issue by tonight.
I saw a German car after I left the hostel and it parked nearby.
At night, there was one Spanish car around.
One German car near the Arena mall.
There is a big fest with a Ferris Wheel in the square near the church. I'm leaving to Poland tomorrow. Katwice to Amsterdam area would be something just look like how the Anne Frank traveled and ended in the memorial place north of Hannover. I make my way around there in next week after playing for John Paul II and peace for the Christians under persecution from Muslims like me or others lived or living in the area with Muslim extremists around. It's my choice how to fight and strugle against these Muslims or the bad gang stalkers who want to make up people to be Muslims and getting money from the government or other organizations. Shall I buy pork oil and put it around? That was the point I found out doing it in Budapest can make the "Muslim bating" ending up "Jew bating." You know, that cracked me to have a laugh. There is a pork grilling stand in the festival in the square, so enjoy it. I wanna bring the pork head around near the Turkish restaurants and eat the pork sandwiches in front of it. It's just anti-Islam people's dream, you know. I fight with my words and that I sweared today in the church. Hopefully, I have time to finish my book with extra updating issue by tonight.
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