30 November, 2015
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 30th, 2015
Posted by JB at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 29th, 2015
Posted by JB at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
29 November, 2015
This is what Muslims believe and why people are aware of them
I wanna put some posters like this around the city with my German car photo sales posters. No Muslim means peace for Christmas time. Why Muslims don't have option to move to Dubai or somewhere modern in the Middle East? They should know why they are unwelcome in their area while they are teaching to insult non-Muslims in the area based on their Quran? I insult Muslims based on what they believe and they act on us from over few hundreds years ago.
Posted by JB at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: anti-Islam
27 November, 2015
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 26th, 2015
A man sat next to me for a long time. Thanks to the perps' long surveillance, I was able to stay there longer for study.
When I was about leaving, I saw two men with familiar Toshiba logo bag.
At night, there were some Asian men, a black guy, and a German bag holder showed up.
Posted by JB at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
25 November, 2015
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 25th, 2015
At the church, I found a golden miraculous medal on the floor near I sat. There were 3 people nearby - a woman with a baby cart to the right back and 2 women to the 2 rows to the front. I don't know how the medal was left there like that way. The medal is written in Croatian.
Near McDonalds, I saw a man in sandals walking.
By the way, I found some small pencils and the pencil shapener in my side bag pocket. When I went back from the Pope visit in Sarajevo this June, I found all the pencil shapeners I had - total was two, though - were missing from my suitcase. I left all the unnecessary things in my suitcase and when I came back, I tried to restore what I put in my bag but pencils and the shapeners were missing. But somehow, I found them returned. On the other hand, I think my few EURO coins went missing. I put some for the emergency use at the bathroom and such for the travelling in the same pocket, but they went missing. I don't know how this was done. When I sleep, I put stuffs in front of the doors and windows, so no one can enter while I slept. Communion time would be hard as others should be watching and stealing during the mass should be bad for the gangs.
Posted by JB at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christianity, Gang Stalking, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 24th, 2015
Posted by JB at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
24 November, 2015
Organized Stalkers Around Me - Nov 22, 23rd, 2015
Last Sunday, I visited the night mass at the church. On the way home, I saw many Asians on the street. Were they there for eye witnessing me walking the famous street in the city or to make up mosque visiting by adding nearby kebab stores for the mosque locations? I don't eat kebabs. They got either menstruation blood or urine / sperm to make the Muslim food warrior preferable ones. Who wanna eat such barbaric meals?
When I was at Cafe Klein yesterday, I saw a man came with camera crews. The guy said that he is a writer from Netherlands and lives in Budapest. He wrote some books about communism in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, etc. His books were published in English and this time they were translated into Romanian. I don't know if he is the real author or the gang stalking skit to make it up and claimed to be so for the hope of contact with the TI like me. If it was just the normal historical novel or something, I don't really care. Well, I might try to find these books to see how is the author is in the local book store.
Posted by JB at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
19 November, 2015
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 17th, 2015
Posted by JB at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 18th, 2015
Posted by JB at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
17 November, 2015
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 15th, 2015
At Carrefour, I was shopping and saw the Asian guy I saw on the way. He was also walking around the store. When I was at the cashier, I saw some Asian women in another row and they left and I heard the alarm beeping. I've heard alarm beeping on the day I ate at the food court and still bought some foods in the store. This time, I was aware of fake beeping and I started filming from near the alarms at the exit. It didn't beep but the man behind of me got it beeped. I guess I caught the shoplifter on my camera this time and no one was checking his stuffs. Are there perps stealing in the shop and claiming me for the shoplifting? I saw a security guy at the food court when I was waiting on the line there. Is there any connection as well?
Posted by JB at 1:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 16th, 2015
Posted by JB at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
13 November, 2015
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 12th, 2015
Later, I went to Toscano Cafe. The stuffs were friendly but it was funny to take a long time for making a simple coffee. The female clerk was doing something under the counter for awhile and the male clerk used up the milk. The female clerk brought two cartons of milk from behind of the door at the sitting area. I always see people adding the last potion of the milk in my coffee. Is it worse paying for money even the clerks doing the stupid things? Also the clerk told me if I want the coffee to be in the paper cup instead of the normal ceramic one. I don't know why people ask me that much. Then he later asked me a bit of question like where are you from and such. I think I should have created the funny food seller lists. I might make a quick guide in another website or make it in the epub form to be shared and posted. There were 2 Asian women showed up with a man and sat at the back seat of the first floor. How many Asians in Bucharest? I thought they are the gang stalkers and I filmed them.
Posted by JB at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 11th, 2015
Posted by JB at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 9th & 10th, 2015
There is a homeless man staying across my building.
Posted by JB at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
10 November, 2015
Christian Militia taking out mosques in Central Africa
http://anonhq.com/christian-militia-destroys-mosques-central-african-republic/Christian Militia Destroys All Mosques In The Central African Republic
April 2nd, 2015 | by Amando Flavio
It has emerged that a Christian militia in the Central African Republic (CAR) has destroyed almost all mosques in the country.
The militia known as anti-balaka has been engaged in the persecution of Muslims after a Muslim leader deposed the country’s previous Christian President in 2013.
Michel Djotodia (Muslim) overthrew Francis Bozize (Christian) in a bloody coup in December 2013, sparking religious sectarian violence across the country.
The United States ambassador to the United Nations- Samantha Power said 417 out of the 436 mosques in the CAR have been destroyed by the Christian militia.
The few remaining mosques are said to be under siege by the militia and independent observers say that all Muslims have been completely wiped out of the country.
More than 5,000 people have been killed in the country since the violence began. The African Union has been unable to deal with the problem.
Nearly one million of the country’s 4.5 million residents have been displaced. Many of those who have fled are Muslim.
Power said 417 of the country’s mosques have been destroyed, expressing serious concern about the upcoming possible security vacuum that will be created as the European Union and French forces withdraw from the country. European Union and French troops have been helping to restore law and order since last year.
She visited the one remaining Muslim neighborhood in the capital, Bangui, and described the residents as “a terrified population”. It is said that some of the pregnant Muslim women are so afraid of leaving the community while wearing their veils, that they are choosing to give birth in their homes instead of going to hospitals.
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The militia attacks anybody they see dressed in Muslim attire. The French and EU forces have tried very hard to disarm the militia, but these efforts have failed to yield any meaningful results.
There are about 750 EU and French troops left in the country and it is expected that these troops will soon be pulled out, leaving the country to its fate as the violence continues to spread.
The United Nations has said that it will deploy about 12,000 troops to take over from the departing troops; however these statements have yet to materialize since the Security Council made the proposal last year. The UN peacekeepers will assume their mandate in September this year, yet many observers say that it will be far too late to stop the violence.
The Central African Republic has been in turmoil since the Seleka rebels led by Micheal Djotodia ousted President Francois Bozize last year.
President Djotodia however resigned in January 2014 in a deal that was brokered by regional leaders; giving way for the first female president of the country, Catherine Samba-Panza, however violence continues to threaten the stability of the country.
The United Nations estimates that more than one million people have fled their homes in the crisis and human rights activists have confirmed that the country has seen religious cleansing between Christians and Muslims.
Muslim civilians are being targeted by the militia in revenge for the seizure of power by the mainly Muslim rebels in 2013. The militia has said that they are taking revenge for atrocities committed by the Seleka Muslim rebels, when Mr. Djotodia seized power in March 2013.
The CAR is a landlocked country in Central Africa, covering an area of 620,000 square kilometers. It has never had a Muslim President since the country gained independence from France in 1960. The attempt by the Seleka Muslim rebels who ousted the Christian leader in 2013 has been attributed to the domination of the Christians in the political affairs of the country, virtually sidelining the Muslims.
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Posted by JB at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: anti-Islam, Christianity, News
07 November, 2015
Ethnic genocides happening in Kosovo
Who wanna go to Kosovo? Hell no. Skopje also got some dangerous people who are just trying to swindle money only by false witnessing and home invasions and vandalisms. There are bad people in Balkans.
http://shoebat.com/2014/11/03/muslims-capture-christians-take-slaughterhouses-dissect-still-alive-rip-organs-kill-sell-organs-turkey-saudi-arabia/Muslims Capture Christians, Take Them To Slaughterhouses, Dissect Them While They Are Still Alive, Rip Their Organs Out, Kill Them, And Then Sell Their Organs To Turkey And Saudi Arabia
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVEBy Theodore ShoebatMuslim Albanians in Kosovo are capturing Christians, dissecting them alive, tearing out their organs, killing the victims, and then selling the organs to Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the two major nations of the Antichrist. We learned this from a local Serbian Christian and veteran Special Forces officer in Serbia’s military, named Lazar. We interviewed him and this is the information he conveyed to us. He said “They also kill people and sell their organs in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.” He then said,They abduct people in Kosovo, Serbian people — in some cases Albanian people — and they take their organs… they torture the people and take their organs while they are still live.He added that the victims are mostly “Christians serbs, young women, and men, and also children.” Here is the interview in which he explained this us thisMany will consider it difficult to believe one man’s account. As I questioned Lazar on the issue, he sent me a video of a European documentary by Deutsche Wellewhich is part of Germany’s International Broadcaster researched and confirmed how Albanian terrorists were taking organs from Christian Serbs and selling their organs:
While some might still think that this is a difficult matter to believe, that real human slaughterhouses are taking place in the Balkans in which Christians are being dissected alive and their organs removed.Yet when Shoebat.com was the first to report on the human slaughterhouses in Syria, in which we obtained one man’s account who gave much detail on the operation regarding Christians and Shiites who were also slaughtered and mutilated. People still questioned it, until of course we obtained original source accounts with extremely troubling footage to back up one man’s testimony and it all checked out:Only then did some major media contact us to report on it.We also reported on how the Muslim jihadists in Syria take Christians, drain their blood, and sell vials of blood for $100,000 each to Saudi Arabia because the Arab Muslims have a demonic superstition that if they wash their hands with Christian blood they can obtain salvation.We also reported on Islamic cannibalism [see here, here, here,, here and here] and so many doubted until of course the truth came out on film when a terrorist ate a human heart and when we showed translated footage on Al-Nas, an Egyptian major media which sanctioned the practice.We deal with rescuing Christians and being at the tip of he spear we hear of horrific stories. Folks who do not deal with evil and see it first hand have a tendency not to believe until they are in the midst of it. There is such a thing as pure evil, dark, remorseless and hideously ugly.And instead of trusting our reports, the world still accused us, not the evil ones who perpetrated such evil.We were accused of promoting “blood libel”.Its easy to recognize idiots, one always finds them posting idiotic comments on the comment line. We advice to no avail.Albanians are a cruel people. How many Americans even know of the 21st Albanian Muslim Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg which played a key role in the Holocaust in exterminating the Jews. This Muslim Nazi SS Division was made up of Albanians from Albania proper and Kosovo and were the cruelest of all. Albanians murdered 7% of the Jews in Albania proper and 40% of the Jews in New Albania, or Kosovo.That same cruelty is still there. There was zero repentance by Turkey in its Armenian Genocide and neither did Albania ever repent from the blood of the Jews and Christians they slaughtered and the U.S. is asleep at the wheel generating more anger from the righteous who try to nudge her conscience.Saudi Arabia truly is the Harlot of Babylon, yet still we have doubting Thomasses who think the harlot is Rome, and we ask; does the Vatican buy Christian organs or purchase literal Christian blood?Turkey is doing the same thing. They are both under the spirit of Antichrist and will be destroyed when Christ comes. In the future Christian Russia will be at the forefront in fighting the Albanian Muslims to defend Orthodox Christians in Serbia.The Muslims who are doing this horrifying brutality are modern day Joseph Mengeles; they are Nazis who are so sick and cruel that they see Christians as mere objects to sell and make profit from. They do not honor the human body as a creation of God, but as just a means to their ends.These Albanians, and the rest of the pagan Muslims of the Balkans, need annihilation by a righteous Christian nation. God bless the Serbs for killing these reprobates, and may God curse Clinton for bombing these righteous Christian people.The world says that Islam is just another religion; they fast, they pray, they sacrifice to God …Yet God declared:No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. (1 Corinthians 10:20)
Posted by JB at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: anti-Islam, News
06 November, 2015
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 4th, 2015
I saw two or three Muslims crossing the street and I saw an Asian man walking behind of me. That guy had Japanese shinto Shrine charm on his bag. Is he a Japanese?
Here is the video. I haven't seen any Germans but Bulgarians and protesting. I was in Bucharest when the president was elected this year. Is there any connection of these mob on protesting and resignation with the gang stalking?
Posted by JB at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 3rd, 2015
And there was an Asian man alone showed up at McDonalds but he didn't order anything but left.
I saw some homeless people across my accommodation in Bucharest.
Posted by JB at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 2nd, 2015
Posted by JB at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - November 1st, 2015
Posted by JB at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
Organized Stalkers Around Me - October 30th, 2015
While I was typing this, I forgot the word, rabbit. For me, it's impossible to forget something that simple. It happened like the V2K different word speeches on me. When I think about the word, rabbit, they shouted like "Usagi (rabbit in Japanese)" and some other words like Easter. Well, Easter is the trigger word to bring me to think the memory connected to rabbit or even the mental image of it. Then I got the word "bunny" but that is not quite right about what I want to say. The V2K perps told me that they wanted me to use the English dictionary to check the word up. Is this how some students targeted by the electronic harassment easily drop their grades during the exam? I just used my knowledge of German letter and wikipedia gave me the right word in English page. It's not how someone suddenly forgets a word. I used rabbit while I created the video and there is no way I needed to use an English translating software. There are certain things people forget easily like unfamiliar words or very rare words people use like ---phobia technical terms. I forgot someone's last name and it could not come back even after few days of thinking. And that time, I just needed to look up the email to check the full name. I knew her name for long time but suddenly I lost it when I tried to remember it. Is this how people make someone to be Alzheimer if they don't really check the lost memory parts?
I had another problem during the language lesson yesterday. I could hear the outside noises more clearly from the back of my head like microwave hearing. Also, when I think about the Romanian word, they, I could not concentrate as I had some certain tone of the noise going on toward me. It was like I hear the electronic noise of beeeeeeeeep and it cancelled my thinking ability. It was just temporary and later I had better concentration.
Posted by JB at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
01 November, 2015
A gypsy with two knives assaulted me near my hotel in Cluj Napoca
Posted by JB at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Diary, Gang Stalking