26 February, 2009

February 25th, 2009 - InterDiscount at Zofingen

I visited InterDiscount in Zofingen yesterday afternoon. My camcorder needed larger SD-card if I want to film much longer. So, I had the exact image of what I would buy (4GB SD-card) and visited the store. I tried to find it in COOP last time but the it was not on the shelf. This time, I went to get one in InterDiscount as it should have some surplus of the products. When I was comparing two types in the store, I found Kingston model had a damage on the plastic package. It was like a sharp knife cut. There were two Kingston model on the shelf. I moved the damaged one to the back and tried to examine not-damaged one. If my finger prints were on the damaged one, that was because I had to touch it to move another one on the behind. I am not sure if the damaged was caused by the organized stalkers but they should know I would report this to my blog. It is quite funny I have to share information in different InterDiscount again. Last visit to the store was in Aarau and I posted the information. Now is about Zofingen. How could this happen? I would take statistics to find incidents that are noticeable.

There was a clerk talking with a male customer about the product at the casher. And the damaged Kingston plastic package was hanged behind of the clerk. I am not sure why nobody saw the damage of the product package just behind of the casher to remove it from the shelf. There was another clerk was on the phone and he disappeared just behind of the store. I have seen clerks receiving phone calls quite often I found some kind of a skit was going on in the store. This could be just a coincidence but I would like to mention. When I decided to buy the non-damaged Kingston card, I had to wait awhile at the casher as the clerk was busy talking with the customer. Then I found people showed up and settled near the walls of each corner. The store seemed to get crowded but near the casher had no people around – except the clerk and the customer and I.

I just found the damage of the package quite strange as well as the situation. Some one I met in Aarau Caritas over one year ago showed up in front of my home and started conversation in Zofingen. I only met handful of people in Aarau Caritas and one of them were able to show up in front of my home which is just in a rural area. Because of the

For the tendency of organized Stalkers, I think they wanted to make up a claim about me for stealing or shoplifting. Instead, I post the incident for the real crime prevention. If they wanted to claim me stealing something while they take the product, they would find the fact of my purchase of undamaged one very strange. I post the receipt and the picture of the actual product here. The clerk, Sebastian Regez, was the one who was on the phone. Since his name is on the receipt, I guess keep his name in my blog as the witness of my purchase of the product. I am just curious what happened to the damaged one. I hope they do not make me as the suspect of the damage because of my finger prints on it.