20 February, 2009

Implant? behind my ear

After reading this posting, I examined behinds of my ears. Then I found a tiny bump behind of my right ear. I only have the bump behind of my right ear, so this should be something noticeable. If I had something like this from my childhood, I probably knew it when I wash my hair.

The below is the picture I took with my digital camera. The bump is tiny so it may be hard to see from physical examination. But I feel something inside of the bump when I touch it.

Later, I searched through the Internet, I found some information about artificial middle ear. According to this Japanese website, it says the artificial middle ear has two parts; the part to be implanted behind the subjects' ear, and the transmitter which send sound waves. The implant may be attached with the skull or its transmitter should be close to the cochlear. Since the implant can get signal to be activated, the implant can be used almost lifetime without changing battery.

I do not know having a bump behind of one's ear is a characteristic for the voice hearing or electronic harassment victims, but this fact should be investigated by their own. Touching behind of one's ears are nothing much to do, right? You can do it while reading this.