09 January, 2011

First day was anit-Japanese Korean, and the second day was Soka Japanese

First day, I was in the room with anti-Japanese Korean woman who is stating how she hates Japan and UK to others.
Second day, I was with 2 Japanese woman - one was young and another is mid-age of early 40s. From my policy of staying out from suspicious perp looking people, I did not start conversation unless they communicate with me. I just had the conversation with the mid-age woman as she started talking about Soka Gakkai and how it would suite me.. Well, I'm proud to be Catholic and I don't have any intention to change my religion to a cult one.

Here is what we talked.
1. She started talking about how Soka Gakkai is good and famous and lots of followers.
2. My reaction: Soka Gakkai is classified as cult by French government, so I consider it as cult.
3. She said French government is not good and then denied Soka is not a cult.
4. I continued to push my view supporting French government's view.
5. She said that Soka is good for me and fits me.
6. I mentioned about the fact that Soka's founder is not rooted to the Nichiren-shoshu which is one of the traditional Buddhism and Soka's concept is from it.
7. She told the problem of how Nichiren-shoshu spent money and female scandal.
8. I stated that if the root is corrupted, then fixing the root is more important than creating a new religion.
9. She tried to explain more about why new movement was needed, but I said fixing the root is more important. (This is from my Catholic view from knowing what happened to Protestant movement and such. )
10. She left by saying she might come back and see me.

Am I in trouble with Soka Gakkai from now on? I never see a stranger talking about Soka in my life. I know some people who are friends of my family members. But they don't push their view to the people of different religion. I met the mid-age woman only 2 days and she started such conversation. I hear some Japanese gang stalking victims often complains about the Soka members involved in the gang stalking. Is this what I encountered? Yesterday was of the Korean woman hating Japan, and today is about the Soka Japanese woman. I don't know about another young Japanese woman who I met. If I get in trouble with Soka Gakkai, then I can tell they might be related with the gang stalking for Japanese.

I don't understand why Soka people are eager to preach their view to a Catholic like me. I had the Bible with me but the Japanese woman was talking about Soka. I don't like someone persuading me to change my religion. I support the Pope Benedict XVI, the Virgin Mary and her son described through the Catholic view.
