20 May, 2011

When will Japanese government corrupt and when will Russia starts to invite Japanese refugees?

I've heard some people on the net saying this simulation is quite accurate. Currently, the plan is at #7 and we are waiting to see the agricultural problem. The Japanese government is encouraging the citizens including children to eat the vegetables from the prefectures around Fukushima. The children got school lunches made from the foods from somewhere unknown - probably the local made and some from near Saitama if the local government is in the favor of buying from them. It's funny the management-type people gone mad and making all the calculation wrong to make everything worse.

When will countries start to allow Japanese workers' immigration? I'm waiting such good news. Then I can find a place to stay without having my fxxxin' Japanese citizenship. I don't know about Russia, but it got Catholic churches just like their own Russian Orthodox churches. I don't think the country a harsh place to leave. I'm expecting that Japan will no longer a place to live for humans if they keep spilling the nuclear waste.

And I am eager to see what they will drink during the summer time. June is the best place to get the contaminated shower just like eating "plutonium flavor" foods. If the children got lower grade, the teachers should give them some better credit as they are eating radioactive materials that can cause forgetfulness and other malfunctioning of the brain. I'm glad to stay away from Japan! Since I visited Ireland, I've been feeling the luckiest person on the Earth. Miracle happened to save my way to stay away from going back to Japan! Weee! :D


3月19日以前に策定された、ロシア政府の危機管理経済戦略シュミレーションを参 考にした方がより現実的だと思います。

① 本国巨大地震被害

② 福島原発事故発生

③ 東上空域大気汚染・放射性生成物質降下・海中垂れ流し汚染継続

④ 射性ヨウ素、セシウム等の高レベル汚染地域拡大→国内計測データ改竄と隠蔽

⑤ 産物、魚介類汚染・水質汚染顕在化・食品流通の混乱と麻痺・健康被害懸念

⑥ 毒プルトニウム検出・汚染地域地価暴落・汚染値過小評価隠蔽報道継続・海洋汚染拡散

⑦ 米協力要請・ストロンチウム90検出・原子炉制御不能・お手上げ状態で職員退避

⑧ 料汚染深刻化・食糧危機発生・食料配給制化・国内パニック拡大

⑨ 発崩壊・原発周辺農漁業壊滅・前期小児放射線障害疾患発現

⑩ 民大移動・治安悪化・暴動騒擾状態発生

⑪ 内生産力低下・円暴落・日本経済破綻状態

⑫ レベル政権崩壊・米軍再駐留と統治

⑭ロシア政府は放射線障害児童及びシベリア方面 日本人労働移住者受入開始(すべてルーブル決済)
Oh, if you have time to know the norm of how to take care nuke wastes, watch this movie. The nuke waste is not like something to keep it in one floor of the building. I'm mentioning about the Fukushima plant. It's nice to see the difference of how savages treating high-tech material in Japan and the scientists doing the wise decision.

NHKBS20110224 地下深く 永遠(とわ)に ~核廃棄物 10万年の危険~(Into Eternity)  from open_box on Vimeo.