14 June, 2011

Perpdom - what it looks like?

The intentional mismanagement of the informants can trigger the paradise of the police and informants. They can no longer follow the procedures and regulations but to engaged in the lawless witch hunting. I think this is what happened these days and so many innocent people are hunted down for what they did not do. Also, aggressive police can let the informants and their hot blooded members to start war with their targets. I'm talking about what happened to the Black Panther Party in Chicago and other places. Their members houses are raided by the police officers and they were shot to death while the police officers claim them fought back against them.

The FBI informants can do the black bag jobs to steal anything from the target's house. Also, the informants can cause damages to the target's belongings. I think this is very much like the situation of the tampering and petty thefts happening on the Targeted Individuals.

Also, I have seen perps who are really outgoing and easy on having sexual relationships with others and bragged about it. These people travel alone and tried to communicate with the TI who is on the run because of the harassment at their home town. A typical lonely-heart killer type perps. Some of the local thug-type perps often include teenagers. I don't know what is going on in the perps' sexual activities, but they seem to be quite active. These perps often openly ask for sexual relationships or close relationships. Since I'm not interested in what they are thinking, I never get along with them nor communicate with them. But are they working on the prostitute claim? Like if their target feels to be open to someone who is friendly at the time of looking for someone to talk with, it is natural for the people to find new friends in this way. But the perps seems to be like the type of the lonely-heart killer criminals looking for the target for asking gifts or something. That's what the sociopath does.

If this happens to the churches? The church members can be the police informants and the priests will report and share with the police officers and informants what the target confessed. So, how many Catholics were taking out during the Nazis period when they confessed their guilt on harassing the Jewish neighbors and those who oppose to Nazis? Such expression might be thought as national threats and the patriotic priests can inform anything to the Gestapo. How about these days? Some Catholics harassing the people who are under the community watch? How about Protestants? End of the religion, period.

How about at school? The teachers can give lower grade to the target as it is asked from the police. Also, the student advisors and other faculty members can report anything about what the target do to the informants. They can bully someone in the group, and the school won't have any regulation on the anti-discrimination nor protecting the student right on individuals. A good example is SJSU, which got informants in every classrooms, and the student advisors do not help the TI students. Professors and the students are engaged in the mobbing, and the victim trying to seek help for the mobbing problem can be described as mentally ill and dangerous by the student counselors. How many mobbing victims claimed as lone wolf criminals while they did not commit any crime? The problem is the school and the society, not the individual who is the victim of the government backed up mobbing. You know why? Because the victim has the right to expose anything while the bullies only tries to claim a single individual as dangerous or whatever they can think of as socially undesired character. And the authorities can only push the one-side view from the informants in order to keep the victim quiet. So, the TIs should better speak up before they are killed by the society.

I'm just curious who is really the Al-Qaeda members. Isn't it what the informants created for the setup for getting funding on their investigations? Alex Jones reports how the FBI informants set up a plot to catch the people. More funding on the investigation, they can spend more on the plotting and persuading people to commit a crime in order to catch it. Two types of informants required - the one to be on the side of the investigation and the other one for the plotting.