05 June, 2011

What to do with Fukushima?

I don't really know how all the predictions went wrong for the Fukushima nuclear plants. I think there is a problem between the people on the management with engineers creating plants and the real incidents going on at the plant. Do the workers at the plant hid some crucial informations or accidents still in order to look their jobs are not the reason to be blamed? I'm assuming that the workers at the plant are trying to make their jobs and the damages on the plant cool enough. Remember how the socialist companies make up stories in order to look their jobs are fine even they make tons of waste from the low production rate? They fear the management group who can simply fire them and recruit people who can answer what they want to hear. The engineers are also the people who make the plans based on the fact and the demand from the management. The engineers are sometimes like writers who are asked to follow the demands from the editors and the trend of the readers.

Few things I should mention for the prevention of further damages at Fukushima.

  • TEPCO should not make plans after they receive the demands. They must do the prediction of the demands rather than making plans after receiving the plan.
  • TEPCO needs a better solution for the emergency plan. They don't have any emergency plan because the management and the people making the plan are working far from the plant. A bad example of how top-bottom management making everything to be failed.
  • About the contaminated water, they should not let the contaminated water spilled to the sea. It is only the temporary solution. The spill may cause the difficulty of the help from the sea due to the high level of the contamination. How many ships can go through the area?
  • TEPCO already caused the national emergency, it is the time for the government to take care the problem rather than a single company. TEPCO does not pay compensation to the chemical spill on the farmers. The local governments are encouraging farmers to sell the highly contaminated products and the consumers are asked to buy them for helping the farmers. If it is normal chemical spill like dioxin, the company is responsible for the damage on the products.
  • My possible solution for the China Syndrome solution is build a small dam and dump the plants within the water. The few tons of contaminated water can remain in the area, and the water in the rain season will help to make a good dam. They can order huge chunks of concrete blocks somewhere and transport them via large helicopters to the site. The blocks can be orders in multiple companies, so that the only the problem would be the transportation, but it should be easy if that is done by helicopters. This is much like a military drill though. For creating the dam, areas around the plant needs digging for quite a depth to prevent the water from the dam reaches the underwater. By making the divide of underwater from the plant, it prevents what is leaked from the plant does not reach anywhere through the underwater contamination. For the rainy season, the artificial rain maker and rain preventer should be used for the construction at the plant. If the bottom part is needed, they can add it with the technology of creating the metro system in Tokyo. For the prevention of the leaking of the contaminated water from the top, they can cover it with something later.
I believe Fukushima should be listed as Level 8. Chernobyl incident was finished within about a week to bring a solution while Fukushima has been in the same stage or getting worse for few months. Also, Chernobyl had forced evacuation zone wider than the Fukushima incident which allows people to leave in the area about 6 times higher contamination level than the Chernobyl forced evacuation regulation. What I mean is that Fukushima got the incident going on for few months and the people did not evacuated properly because of the government's ill management leaving more people to be exposed to high level radiation.