These days, I got many Koreans around. Few staying in the place I'm staying. I saw few groups taking pictures in the streets. Some seemed to visit the church for the sightseeing purpose.
I attended the Sunday mass just like usual today. I was late as my phone's alarm did not work. I don't know why but it was inactivated for some reason. I did not change any setting for the alarm.
So, I was a bit late for the mass but I was able to participate from the beginning. I saw the church benches got no free one and I sat next to a couple. It's amazing how the seats are full till the very last row. Meanwhile, there were only few seating to the side rows. Only the people sat were the areas both right and left of the benches from the center alley.
I sat to the back left, and I noticed there were two men sat in front of me. Both of them had bags and the one in front was wearing it. He put it down during the mass. And later they left. And right after they left, I saw an elderly couple came. I noticed them who sat next to me in the Sunday mass before. There was an pensioner like elderly couple sat left of them. The woman was wearing an orange hat. The couple just arrived did not wear hats but had heavy coats on them. Later, they left and an black woman with a small kid showed up and took their seats. It was like new people assigned to that seats and left for others. There was nothing like that happening in other benches. Probably, the these woman and a small kid is for the typical pedophilie claims. Maybe, churches need benches for the TIs - like for the COINTELPRO operation victims. I wanted to film these strange people - a Asian woman, the black mother of the kid, the pensioners. But after the mass, there was an Asian man came and he was talking to the Aisan woman at the bench. Also, others remained in the bench and did not move. So, I could not film them. But perhaps I might see them again somewhere, so I might be able to recognize them as the perps from today's mass. It was quite strange as these strangers looking people did not move from their seats after the mass and remained together. A typical mobbing siting? That's what the church securities can tell :)
Is this a covert operation by the Korean intelligence? Well, they are infamous of bribing the World Cup and such. So, I don't care if they hired some to just do the mobbing inside of the church. If the church got the surveillance cameras, the church workers would check their operations. Like now, I got 4 Koreans around and two of them are fat.
Here is the characteristics of the gang stalkers in the churches:
- the money correcting increase during the mass - the evening mass with no correction would change the policy and suddenly do the money correction. Also, the private mass done by the visiting pilgrimages also do the correction when a Targeted Individual is attending. I noticed this from someone trying to open one's purse and suddenly suggesting others for the money correcting when I entered the mass very late and it was not the time for money correcting as everything was already over. It was at the famous Antioch church. The money might go to the perps' surveillance and protections fees.
- The many people in the church are not the registered members of the church. They showed up and occupy the areas for the mobbing. Because they can bring people in numbers, they can make only few seats available at the time the TI enter.
- Often beggars (Muslims are more likely to show up) show up in front of the church after the mass for the begging. I don't know why Muslims, but they seemed to have such jobs in front of the churches.
- Many people in the church just leave at the time of the communion without taking it, or just remain on the bench.
Too bad, I don't have the picture of the Asian woman with glasses sat next me. It would be interesting if I have the that someone can tell me who it is. I had someone like her when I was in Izmir train station - she only had a Turkish bible and a red purse and stood behind me. Well, I believe these people engage in the gang stalking are the real extremists harassing others. I'm using my TI victim card here for my own security to share the suspicious people's lists.
Fortunately, I saw some of the perps hanging around near me including the two men who were in the church and left.
I wonder I should share the name of this church and visit another church for the sake of "the safety of the priests" which the gang stalkers are offering. Well, that's nothing more than Stasi taking out the unwelcome religious citizens from the area in the name of PSYOP to make them stressed anywhere they go. I will continue filming the perps because they make up stories and rumors about me for harassing.
Here is the picture of the guys sat on the bench in front of me and left. I saw them on the street and took picture. They look like a typical operation guys.One of them got middle-eastern looking.

Also, one of the beggar who was walking around in front of the church after the mass. Why so many Muslim women begging even in Europe? Is this because they don't have the proper care on the weak and powerless people? The Muslims hanging around of the church really reminds me of the scene from Postal 2 game. If it's in the church in Istanbul, the Muslims entering the Catholic churches, so it would be normal in some areas.
I attended the Sunday mass just like usual today. I was late as my phone's alarm did not work. I don't know why but it was inactivated for some reason. I did not change any setting for the alarm.
So, I was a bit late for the mass but I was able to participate from the beginning. I saw the church benches got no free one and I sat next to a couple. It's amazing how the seats are full till the very last row. Meanwhile, there were only few seating to the side rows. Only the people sat were the areas both right and left of the benches from the center alley.
I sat to the back left, and I noticed there were two men sat in front of me. Both of them had bags and the one in front was wearing it. He put it down during the mass. And later they left. And right after they left, I saw an elderly couple came. I noticed them who sat next to me in the Sunday mass before. There was an pensioner like elderly couple sat left of them. The woman was wearing an orange hat. The couple just arrived did not wear hats but had heavy coats on them. Later, they left and an black woman with a small kid showed up and took their seats. It was like new people assigned to that seats and left for others. There was nothing like that happening in other benches. Probably, the these woman and a small kid is for the typical pedophilie claims. Maybe, churches need benches for the TIs - like for the COINTELPRO operation victims. I wanted to film these strange people - a Asian woman, the black mother of the kid, the pensioners. But after the mass, there was an Asian man came and he was talking to the Aisan woman at the bench. Also, others remained in the bench and did not move. So, I could not film them. But perhaps I might see them again somewhere, so I might be able to recognize them as the perps from today's mass. It was quite strange as these strangers looking people did not move from their seats after the mass and remained together. A typical mobbing siting? That's what the church securities can tell :)
Is this a covert operation by the Korean intelligence? Well, they are infamous of bribing the World Cup and such. So, I don't care if they hired some to just do the mobbing inside of the church. If the church got the surveillance cameras, the church workers would check their operations. Like now, I got 4 Koreans around and two of them are fat.
Here is the characteristics of the gang stalkers in the churches:
- the money correcting increase during the mass - the evening mass with no correction would change the policy and suddenly do the money correction. Also, the private mass done by the visiting pilgrimages also do the correction when a Targeted Individual is attending. I noticed this from someone trying to open one's purse and suddenly suggesting others for the money correcting when I entered the mass very late and it was not the time for money correcting as everything was already over. It was at the famous Antioch church. The money might go to the perps' surveillance and protections fees.
- The many people in the church are not the registered members of the church. They showed up and occupy the areas for the mobbing. Because they can bring people in numbers, they can make only few seats available at the time the TI enter.
- Often beggars (Muslims are more likely to show up) show up in front of the church after the mass for the begging. I don't know why Muslims, but they seemed to have such jobs in front of the churches.
- Many people in the church just leave at the time of the communion without taking it, or just remain on the bench.
Too bad, I don't have the picture of the Asian woman with glasses sat next me. It would be interesting if I have the that someone can tell me who it is. I had someone like her when I was in Izmir train station - she only had a Turkish bible and a red purse and stood behind me. Well, I believe these people engage in the gang stalking are the real extremists harassing others. I'm using my TI victim card here for my own security to share the suspicious people's lists.
Fortunately, I saw some of the perps hanging around near me including the two men who were in the church and left.
I wonder I should share the name of this church and visit another church for the sake of "the safety of the priests" which the gang stalkers are offering. Well, that's nothing more than Stasi taking out the unwelcome religious citizens from the area in the name of PSYOP to make them stressed anywhere they go. I will continue filming the perps because they make up stories and rumors about me for harassing.

Also, one of the beggar who was walking around in front of the church after the mass. Why so many Muslim women begging even in Europe? Is this because they don't have the proper care on the weak and powerless people? The Muslims hanging around of the church really reminds me of the scene from Postal 2 game. If it's in the church in Istanbul, the Muslims entering the Catholic churches, so it would be normal in some areas.
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