31 December, 2013

Do Chinese church workers believe in the sky in Sun Tzu's Art of War?

The Japanese V2K perps were saying that the Chinese church workers are believe in the sky which is in Sun Tzu's "Art of War" instead of Jesus. I don't know, but I'm just curious how people say about the Chinese preaches. They suppose to put their nation in priority to be safe. I'm just curious if that is the future trend in the church gang stalkers.

30 December, 2013

Organized Stalkers Around Me - December 30th, 2013

I saw a German car parked outside of the hotel. I didn't see a German car but a car from Spain yesterday. Then I saw many German car on my way to a shopping center nearby to eat out.

Oh, by the way, my new suitcase got the metal grip part damaged. It happened on the day I moved from the hostel to the hotel in the sanctuary. Only one tram trip ended like this. I'm trying to bring the suitcase to the place I bought tomorrow for the possible repair - it got 3 year warranty.

Nigerian Muslims decided not to go with eating human freash but decapitation - serial killer group on loose

Nigerian Christians seem to be targeted by the Muslim extremists. No eating but decapitation of the Christians. They say they ate enemies though. Eating or butchering people is scary enough. Aren't they just a bunch of serial killers already? What is the difference of those Nigerian Muslims and the serial killers?

Extremist: Allah Says We Must Decapitate, Forbids Cannibalism

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — Dec 28, 2013, 11:05 AM by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS An Islamic extremist leader in northeastern Nigeria says the bloody insurgency will continue because Allah says they must decapitate and mutilate. In a video newly released Saturday, Abubakar Shekau claims responsibility for the Dec. 20 attack on a tank battalion barracks and says his men would have eaten their enemies, but Allah forbids cannibalism. Witnesses said insurgents put soldiers to flight and set the complex ablaze before they were driven off by a jetfighter. Shekau warns Christians not to go to churches in this holy month, though Christmas passed in Nigeria with none of the feared terrorist attacks. Five churches were bombed Christmas Day 2011 and dozens of people died. The extremist leader scoffs at bounties on his head — $7 million from the United States and $312,500 from Nigeria.(http://abcnews.go.com/International/t/story/nigerian-extremist-allah-decapitate-21355325?ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsnow.co.uk%2FA%2F687292546%3F-14432%3A11)

Organized Stalkers Around Me - December 27th, 2013

Here is the video from December 27th, when I went to the salt mine tour and encountered some German cars. Pics already shared on Tumblr. but I'm lazy to put them here tonight.

29 December, 2013

The quote I picked today.

The quote I picked today.
At the chapel in the sanctuary, I picked up the small holded paper with some words written. Here is mine.
"Trzeba pamiętać o tym, co Bóg uczynił dla mnie, dla nas, pamiętać o przebytej drodze - to właśnie otwiera szeroko serce na nadzieję na przyszłość. Uczmy się pamiętać o tym, co Bóg uczynił w naszym życiu - Ojciec Św. Franciszek."

This is the English translation. Nice quote from Papa Francesco.
"You have to remember what God has done for me, for us, remember this journey - it’s wide open heart to hope for the future. Let us learn to remember what God has done in our lives - the Holy Father. Francis.”

28 December, 2013

German car from Munich showed up in front of the hostel right after I checked out

I'm at the famous sanctuary in Krakow. So far, things looks OK. It's a hotel and I can attend the prayers whole day long. No Germans around, so far. Here is the German car showed up right after I left Good Bye Lenin Hostel. There are some Asians and dark skinned Indian? groups. The hostel had less people for last few days though. Maybe people are there for the New Year party and reduced extended stay. The hostel was OK. No damages and such. Maybe I should make the list of OK places and where I got more damages... It could give some indigators to other TIs where they are relatively safe to stay instead of be seen as the money bag to be exploited.

27 December, 2013

Muslims kill Christians and selling blood to Saudi Arabia

Watch out for these creepy Muslims. I' doing my best sharing strange Muslims showing up with Germans cars around for the gang stalking. I don't wanna get killed.. Well, I might be able to sell my nose bleed blood if I do another surgery. Anyone wants it in a bottle? I hope no blood drive corrected bloods in Europe are sold to these Muslims out there.

Muslims Kill Christians, Bottle Their Blood, And Sell It For $100,000 A Piece To Saudis

By Theodore Shoebat
A nun in Germany has recently done a presentation in a conference of an independent investigation she conducted of the treatment of Christians in Syria under the hands of Muslim fundamentalists. She revealed that Muslims are butchering Christians, draining their blood in bottles, and selling each bottle for $100,000 to Muslims in Saudi Arabia who take it to wash their hands in Christian blood, with the belief that it atones for their sins.
Truly, Saudi Arabia is that “woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus” (Revelation 17:6), and the kings of the earth are fornicating with her, trading with this harlot the wine (oil) for the obliteration of the saints. This is why I ask you to donate now and save Christian lives.
Here is the video of the presentation, showing what evils the Christians are suffering: (http://shoebat.com/2013/12/26/muslims-kills-christians-bottle-blood-sell-100000-piece-saudis/)

V2K Perps want to take my blog down

The V2K perps are taking about how they can take my blog down. They seemed to be contacting the blogger or the company responsible for my blog. A typical power harassment. They say, they are pushing the persuasion from the Croatian side such as the woman with the kids helping the police and was said that they would be no problem doing that as they were helping the police. But they ended up in my blog as they did some skits.

The V2K perps said that they also tried to claim that she is all alone and she is loner. Well, that sounds easy to take someone's blog down. Anyone can get money from a bribery. The funniest thing is that they cannot do that like this way if the purpose is to protect the police doing something wrong.

They seemed to be asking to change the policy to put the pics only the person they know and they met. Then they got a problem; what about the posts in Face Book? It got more posts and not everyone knows the real connection of who is who.

Well, I share fake Rolex watch stores in Efes, Turkey with the exact locations. Well, if the police is really interested to take the real criminals out, they should start chasing the people who are listed on my blog. I'm sharing the police tips, too. It often comes with the exact videos and voice recordings. You know, if they are related with the crimes such as what they say or listed in David Lawson's book, Cause Stalking, as the perpetrator characteristics, then they are more likely to be the ones doing some fishy business.

Maybe, no more movies?

Organized Stalkers Around Me - December 26th, 2013

I was busy today. My Japanese book is almost done - just need 7 more entries to be filled and edited. I saw some German cars just like usual. I saw some on my way to the hilltop cathedral and castle and the way back. I bought a book, Vernichtungslager in Polen, today and took a picture of it.

Here is the German car parked in front of the Franciscan church at night. It could be a coincidence and nothing to do with the German cars doing human tracking around me. But here is one example.

And some more German cars.

Someone with the Japanese tourist book, "How to walk on the Earth."

Suspicious Muslim women in the city. Why they came to Crakow now? They could be in the capital city or somewhere else instead of the 100% Catholic area. Only women walking around like this way. I'm sure they are the Muslim informants engaged in the gang stalking for the false witness such as they say they know me and they are friends of me to claim me a Muslim. We had some moles even during the WWII for claiming someone as Jews, right?

The video.

26 December, 2013

German cars around and anti-semitism graffiti around near the Jewish Quarter in Crakow

Here are some German cars I saw today. I put the anti-semitism graffiti first. There are more on the streets near German cars traveling around. Quite a lot, right?


And the popular graffiti for the gang stalkers. I found it near a German car parked just outside of the Church on the Rock.
German cars from today. Why more Germans traveling around during Christmas? Do they want to remember the ex-ex-Pope better than the last one?

And some Ukrainien and other cars from today.

And a man with "Record or Die" logo bag and a man with camcorder across the street from him. You can see it much fun on my OSAM video about today.

How to make the perps to shut down my blog?

The V2K perps say that they want to shut down my blog. Well, I have the original here and another one in Thunblr. I would make the backups of the blog files in ZIP file sometimes. Maybe it's time to make the file to share for this year.

The V2K perps said that their usual way of shutting down the victim website/blog is that the victim wrote down the name of the perps and he could not get a job. I guess that is too much to speak as there are bunch of people with the same name around in the world. What's a Chinese name goes? And how many people with the same pronunciation and different Chinese characters? 1/5 of the world population is Chinese... And the different Chinese character goes to Japanese names as well.

Well, I don't think I have a perp name from very rural area like Cyprus or somewhere. I have some people's name in the PDF format and available to download for the TI readers. It does not hart anyone, I think.

25 December, 2013

A Japanese woman showed up at Franciscan church event at Xmas eve

I'm in Krakow like last year. Today, I saw only 2 Asian women at the Franciscan church event. One of them was more like a Chinese woman. And another one showed up later was in red clothes. I figured out she is a Japanese. Why there is a Japanese woman showing up in the church event alone? She didn't take communion.

Here is the German car parked around the corner from my hostel.

Some perp looking people showed up in the restaurants I was hanging around before the event. They came to 2 restaurants.

Here is the woman who showed up in the Franciscan church. Who is she? Is she a Catholic? She didn't take the communion and she was alone. How many Japanese woman are Catholic and alone traveling like this? Is she Soka Gakkai member?

The video shows something funny..

24 December, 2013

Japanese women and German groups at the main square in Krakow.

I went out for dinner at the main square before the mass. When I was standing, I saw Japanese speaking 2 women showed up. Later, a woman who seems to be a Japanese speaker with a man came. When I was waiting in the line, the German speaking group stood behind of me on the line. When I sat down for eating, the group next to me at the same table were talking sometimes in German. Why there are so many Japanese and German speakers around me in Krakow? How many Japanese are traveling to Krakow now?

It's nice to see some people whose grand parents were expert on the war crimes here and there for the human tracking.

Japanese women and some German speakers near me... by f100001011753856

23 December, 2013

Organized Stalkers Around Me - December 22nd, 2013

Some German cars in Krakow. One American car. One English car. Few Ukrainian cars. And many more.

Organized Stalkers Around Me - December 22th, 2013 by f100001011753856

22 December, 2013

Gang stalkers' actions in the churches

Here are some of the gang stalkers' actions in the churches.

- the priests are willing to help the gang stalking. The gangs and those who play a lot among the seminaries and were working with the local police got a secure status in the church hierarchy. They would be preaching about the certain things as the gang stalkers might ask them to speak for the sensitization or some other reason.

- the people often sit near the victim would be doing the false witnesses. They might claim that the victim stole the donation money or things left at the bench. They would make fun of the victim among their friends including the priests and the volunteer workers.

- priests and others working hard on gang stalking get more gifts and donations. they are more materialized and working hard for such a earthly rewards.

- Caritas now has the power to control the donations and the Caritas workers are more likely to be engaged in the gang stalking.

- these gang stalking church workers will act as if the victim is unfavorable for the church like an enemy and they think they could do any defamation, bullying, hate crime against the person. They would claim about the white supremacy, Japanese believe in the emperor or Buddhism, anti-Japanese view, colored people, class system, etc. They want to use any means of the reason of the hate crime and make them to be better off in a group for the mobbing.

- these gang stalkers don't welcome others and want to be themselves for the better groupthink. They are expecting donations only from the strangers.

- just like in "Iron Heal," the church workers love claiming their political enemy to be a mental disease to be expelled from the church. they use the majority system for claiming someone to be crazy. a simple mobbing would be justified like this way. And who is really believing mercy in the church? I think American Horror Story Asylum depicts the real situation of the modern churches..

- the non-Christian gang stalkers will try to get the porno video/pics of the victim. they could invade the victim's room for the warrantless search and make the material for the blackmailing. Also, they could set up the hidden camera in the room. I've heard from the V2K perps that the Bosco group perps love to stick out the penis when the priests are sleeping and making fun of them among the perp mothers.. Everyone knows everything about others these days, so you can check it out if you are a perp.

- These gang stalking participating people at the churches like to claim their victim to be a Muslim. That is the best to separate themselves from the victim's belief system or religion. They want to be different from what the victim is believing. Their grand parents would do the same for the people who they didn't like and claimed as Jews in order to take their properties. 

- CIA would be laughing about the Catholic churches. They have done quite a lot of exploitation of the church members and the ones under the care by the Catholic churches.

German car 2 blocks from my hostel in Krakow

I saw an American car in the city. I don't know how people bring those cars around in East Europe.

And here is the German car from Munich. This is the only German car I saw today. It's parked 2 blocks from my hostel. The streets are fully parked and it seemed hard to find a spot.

The V2K perps say that they are FBI and they brought some Muslim informants with the razor weapon. The V2K perps say that they want to do some stripped search or something after making up the prostitution claim on me. I think I've got enough tricks they are doing. I'm just staying alone in my room and often use the net for backing up or playing game for the alibi purpose. You know, I'm writing books. My prayerbook would be updated before Christmas. And such...

I'm safely in Krakow now.

The train trip went normal yesterday. I saw many numbers of Asians at the train station. In the train, I saw few Asians sat on few compartments away. At the shopping mall above the train station, I saw some Asians. I encountered some German speakers just outside of the shopping center.

I slept early last night because I was tired but I woke up around 1am to go to the bathroom. Right after I went to the bathroom and went back, I saw some noises from outside and heard some male voices from the hallway. They seemed to be staying in another room.

Here is the video from yesterday about the Japanese translator with two Japanese women at the train station. I think the Japanese perps with the native translator would be a tendency in the Eastern Europe.

The V2K perps say that they want to bring someone from Moster. I guess they have the Muslim claim connection among the church workers and such. The V2K perps also said that they want to make the claim of me for the prostitution - a typical defamation for the Catholics or the mental disease. The second choice will make them able to bring a psychiatrist who forces me to admit to be a Muslim and then the Soka Gakkai perps will ask me to be converted to be Soka member. Well, for the Japanese retarded people, they want only one religion for the national security. I bet they will fail like the last time with the Japanese emperor... Just like Germans using the same techniques like in Stasi for the covert operation, the Japanese would be using the same mental training and personality enforcement. After 3S strategy introduced by the McAuthor, the Japanese got it right to drop their mentality. I think those Japanese girls in the video are typical gang stalkers who looks conservative and just trying to look like the office lady at a town hall, maybe?

21 December, 2013

Organized Stalkers Around Me - December 20th, 2013

I'm in Budapest now. It was a short journey from Belgrade last night. I arrived at the bus station at 3am. There was a woman smoking and singing in the underpass. It was scary as I was watching the horror movie I downloaded from the Internet to keep me awake at night. I found the horror movies are the best to travel at the night trip. There was a man suddenly showing up near my suitcase when I checked downstairs and went back to the surface... You know, that's what exactly horror movies got for scaring people. I could edit my video with the music from American Horror Story and adding the Asian zombie man in Belgrade and such... Perps doing some scary skits like that at night here and there.

I saw a group or solo walking Asian women on the street frequently today. I don't know why there were only Asian women. It could be just for the perps doing the skit due to the suspicious Asian woman stood in front of the bathroom at the bus station this morning and the perps thought me lesbian or something. Well, anything with a pattern helps me to figure out who are the perps. I don't care if they put SS or Swastika wrappens and showing up near me. That's more obvious and more likely to happen with the Trabant gangs, right? Stasi used the Trabant for the transportation. Nowadays neo-Stasi (a part of neo-Nazi people) are traveling in Mercedes, BMW, and other German cars for the human tracking, right?

Here are the German cars near my guest house. I saw two nearby and one traveling on the street nearby.

There was a strange Italian car with so much traffic ticket on it. Maybe someone can help to find out what happened to the owner. Did he kidnapped or dead somewhere? Isn't it better for the Hungarian traffic cops to contact the Italian Embassy to move the car out from the street already?

After the mass, I went to a Turkish restaurant for the cheap healthy eat. Buffet are the best choice as I can pick something from the big tray instead of someone cooking especially for me. The V2K perps said that they put their feet on my dish as they thought me not washing my feet nor hands when I enter a building. I hate the Muslim perp or such harassment related with the Muslim delusional religious view. There was a female group showing up and talking in English nearby. I took picture for the possible false witness such as making the false report among the gang stalkers that I was in the store with Muslims or something. I could to the opposite inside of the Turkish restaurants or in the Muslim areas to check who are the perps or even the Muslim perps who could be much likely to have the connections with the Muslim extremist groups.

And here is the video - check out so many Asian female tourists.

Organized Stalkers Around Me - December 20th, 2013 by f100001011753856

19 December, 2013

Pirated software/movie stand near Ušće Shopping Center

I haven't share some crime videos for awhile. Here is the latest one - pirated Windows 7 and 8 are sold as well as Far Cry 3 and other PC games. There is a illegal software stand under pass near Ušće Shopping Center. I don't understand why I got gang stalkers targeting me and expecting me to be a criminal or something unfavorable for the society. I share the perps' crimes sometimes. How about this one?

I am sure Microsoft is happy taking care of the stand like this. If you don't like getting caught on selling/buying/using pirated commercial products, use Linux. 

Organized Stalkers Around Me - December 17th, 2013

Here is the video from yesterday. I saw a solo walking Asian man two times. They might be the perpetrators doing the false witness. I found it strange as there were no other Asians I saw. Only the sing I saw was a black car with a Japanese flag on the left side of the front head right following a police car with siren. I don't think that car was related with the gang stalking. Did Germans asked for that?

Here are the suspicious Asian men.

And the video.

Organized Stalkers Around Me - December 17th, 2013 by f100001011753856
I'm traveling next few days to get ready for the Xmas. I'm in the same area like last year. But more time for learning the language and the prayers.