13 December, 2013

International prayer book - draft

Here is the draft of the international prayer collection. They don't have all the prayers typed. I would update it and published it with the front and back cover to the Smashwords account for free. I would do the mass book for the same. Happy St. Lucia day. I was praying to St. Lucia picture in the church in Egypt and I found a good eye doctor who practiced in Kyushu University and other areas and got Lesik done before leaving the country. These days, I've got perps who are threatening me for taking my eyes out. So far, I don't stay with others and had only 2 police reports done this year. Future? I don't know. I do my best to spend more time for something useful and stick to what I suppose to read and do for the Virgin Mary. You know, some people under oppression would just do something for slacking around without thinking anything more. I could do something like oh, here is perps and I would make fun of them for the revenge on what other perps did like stealing and damaging my stuffs. Some people in the churches somewhere may not understand how to feel others if they are only money driven. I just learned how much I did not do what I supposed to do. I could fix the damaged rosary when I was in Medjugorje. You know, that would be something I should do at first.

The V2K perps say that they are making up the claim of me for prostitution while I was staying late and in my room. They could make up something like that, so I'm posting this one for the proof of what I was doing.

International Prayer book 

The book would be updated within today and published at Smashwords.