Here are the two documents from the Dr. George Lau and Dr. Peter Newsom who kept me in El Camino Hospital. What made me disturbing was their comment about Dr. Wiggsy Sivertsen claimed me as “danger to self” and “danger to others.” Also, their description of how I was transported to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Acute Psychiatric Services. Let me show who are the really delusional people.
Dr. Peter Newsom wrote:
The patient was made 5150 by the counseling staff at San Jose State, namely Wiggsy Sivertsen, phone number 924-5941, as danger to self and danger to others dated 10/16/06 at 6:16 p.m. The 5150 states that she made statements of a self destructive and suicidal nature and was a danger to self and others. The patient described as being under the care of Wiggsy Sivertsen in the counseling service, currently a senior at San Jose State majoring in anthropology, feeling that she has been ridiculed and harassed by colleagues and teachers..
The patient feels her current stresses are about “people taping me and thinking about I am a German spy.” The patient feels that other students are spies and she is taking their conversations and taping them talking these tapes to the dean. She then wanted to talk to the dean about the “conspiracy” but the police came into her to EPS. The patient believes that she is trying to get this tape recording and video evidences in order to prove that there is a harassment conspiracy at school.
Dr. George S Law wrote (this one is much simple):
This 29-year-old Japanese student was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of acute psychosis. The patient is a graduate student in anthropology at _____ State University. She has been under the care of the school counselor for the past few years. Apparently, the patient had delusions that there is a “conspiracy ring” in the school, and teacher's, student's, and consolers are all part of that. She became paranoid and started taking videotapes of conversations with students and counselor as “evidence.” She then submitted the videotapes to Homeland Security on 10/15/06. She feels that her current stress is about “people taping me and thinking I am a German spy.” She was going to talk to the dean about the conspiracy, but the police came, got her into EPS instead. She states that she had poor sleep, and normally takes over-the-counter remedies for sleep. She denied any suicidal or homicidal ideation at this time.
You can see the rest at the bottom of this posting. First, I would address, few problems. Both psychiatrists has mistakes.
Dr. Peter Newsom's mistakes on his note:
The “danger to self” and “danger to others” was claimed by someone at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Acute Psychiatric Services. I did not see Dr. Sivertsen at SJSU, as I visited DHS around 3pm to get the form to submit the information.
“her current stresses are about 'people taping me and thinking I am a German spy.' - nice quotation used both by Dr. Newsom and Dr. Lau. To be precise, the German spy claim was done by Alex and others in Dr. Kelly Glober's LING101 class. And the filming is about the ones lives above my room in Pavona Apartment, San Jose. I found some students occupied in the room since July 2006.
“her professor and counselor may be part of the same ring” - this false suicidal claim can prove their false accusation or not?
“Denies any current attempt or intent to harm herself. Feels she can control herself...” - Hallo? I was just on my way to my class, and this psychiatrist did not believe my story of I was wrongly sent to the mental hospital while I denied to be suicidal nor dangerous.
Dr. George S. Lau's mistakes on his note (much worse than Newsom):
“symptom of acute psychosis” - I denied to be suicidal and I was on my way to my class...
“a graduate student” - no, I was an undergraduate student.
“..under the care of the school counselor for the past few years.” NO: I met Dr. Sivertsen only 3 times, and the first meeting was in May 2006 and she kept asked me if I was the one who was seducing Dr. Elizabeth Weiss. I denied it as it was the opposite of the fact. Adding such false psychiatric record to the file looks like a psychotic person, Dr. Lau. Have you ever thought about professionalism to keep what is fact and what is your delusion in your notes?
“teacher's, student's, and counselors are all part of that” - look at what happened. I was wrongly claimed as suicidal by them. If they (and you guys) are not working together, how could I kept in mental hospital while I denied to be harmful to myself or others from the beginning of the claim started?
“She was going to talk to the dean about the conspiracy, but the police came, got her into EPS instead.” - Dr. English-Lueck asked me to have the conversation, and police WAS in Anthropology Department already. See? Psychiatrists can behave like paranoia if they deny to think voice recording as a scientific evidence.
“she states that she had poor sleep, and normally takes over-the-counter remedies for sleep” - Is it from Jeniffer, the occupational therapist's notes? She asked me what medicines I would take and I told her I sometimes take multivitamins, and kava kava, etc.. and I included melatonin in the answer. It seems, this poor psychiatrist had confusion of understanding the situation again. I did not need any sleeping aid, but the nurse pushed me to take the sleeping pill at night. Was that for raping and other reason, they wanted me to take it?
“she denied any suicidal or homicidal ideation at this time.” - I had no idea why people claim me like that for 2 days. The psychiatrists have delusions not to believe the patient denying to be suicidal. All this false suicidal claim goes back to Dr. Wiggsy Sivertsen or Dr. English-Lueck who tried to discredit my statement for the law suit.

So, can you guess how poorly Dr. George Lau and Dr. Peter Newsom understand their patients? They did not even now how I was asked to have a talk by Dr. English-Lueck. I first tried to avoid it as I thought it was “one of the false accusation the school making.” Guess what? I am able to prove my side of story how I was falsely accused to be “suicidal” and how Dr. English-Lueck and Sgt. John Laws made up the claim at the anthropology office.
The claim of Dr. Newsom and Dr. Law are like:
I visited the DHS on 10/15/06 – day before the forced transportation.
I was paranoia and wanted to talk to the dean.
I had suicidal or harmful comment – assuming from what they wrote – so Dr. Sivertsen made the 5150.
Police came and took me to EPS.
And the reality is:
I visited the DHS and got the form to submit the evidences.
I headed to Dr. Meniketti's class, and Dr. English-Lueck stood in front of the class asked me to have a small conversation in her office. She said “just 5 minutes.”
When Dr. English-Lueck and me got to the Anthropology Department, 2 SJSU police officers were standing there.
Sgt. John Laws asked me to turn around to be handcuffed. The police said they were asked to send me to hospital. They said I was making suicidal comments.
I denied to be suicidal and asked further question as I was just heading to my class.
One of the police officer took me to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Acute Psychiatric Services.
Who is corrupted professionals anyway? Someone telling lie to visit her office, so she could safely claim me as “suicidal”? Or the El Camino Hospital psychiatrists who did not know the definition of “gravely disabled” nor able to read nursing progress notes indicating there was no sign of danger to others or self during 72 hour holds? Or, Dr. Wiggsy Sivertsen who became insane and thought me committing suicide while viewing the email about bringing the information to police???
Check out my evidences. I can prove I had no intention to talk with Dr. English-Lueck, who seemed to be supporting students' harassments. What I was doing to contact police or someone to be neutral in the situation like the Equal Opportunity Services. Because of my voice recording of Dr. English-Lueck and 2 police officers, I can prove there was a conspiracy to make accusation on me; here I prove they made up a story of me as suicidal and the psychiatrists seemed to work together as well no matter how my claim shows I had no intention of suicide. Tell me who is real paranoia, not believing what I say and deny? Treat me as a human being not as a test subject.
The below is the actual voice recording of the conversation with Dr. English-Lueck, Sgt. John Laws, and another police officer. The transcript shows Dr. English-Lueck told me a lie to visit her officer. It should be in 5 minutes or so. I was claimed to be “suicidal” and was sent to mental hospital. The sickest part is the above 2 psychiatrists knew I did not make any comments “harmful to self” or “harmful to others” from the first day in the hospital. They did not allow me to leave the hospital and I was put on 14 days hold with “danger to others” and “gravely disabled” diagnosis. As an exchange for the discharge, I was asked by Dr. Robert Burr and the nurse to cancel the investigation by the SJSU Equal Opportunity Services. If you know my story well, you know what Dr. Sivertsen did. 3 weeks before the forced hospital stay, I talked about bringing the issue to the law suit. 2 days after the discharge, she claimed me I was making accusation on students. Dr. Sivertsen could not tell me a exact reason why I should stop the investigation by the Equal Opportunity Services. In a normal situation, a dean of the department nor a school psychiatrist makes up something like student suicidal. This is the good proof of how SJSU made up something to cover their sccandal. Anyway, you can learn who can tell lies in the university. If I did not recorded the conversation below, I am sure everyone will believe what Dr. Peter Newsom and Dr. George S. Lau wrote.
October 16th 2006 About 6PM.
00:43 Dr. English-Lueck “I know your class is about to start.”
00:45 Me “Yeah.”
00:47 Dr. English-Lueck “Just, just five minutes.”
00:48 Me “Ah.ah.. yeah.”
00:49 Dr. English-Lueck “Just.. In my office.”
00:51 Me “Why?”
00:54 Dr. English-Lueck “Ah.. (too much noise to hear)”
01:02 Dr. English-Lueck “You know that... (cannot hear) You communicated with Dr. Weiss, and she does show me some of the emails with me.”
01:09 Me “Yes.”
01:10 Dr. English-Lueck “So, I wanna talk about and San Jose States in the hallway is not the best place to talk about.”
01:14 Me “Ah..”
01:15 Dr. English-Lueck “Just five minutes.”
01:16 Me “OK.”
(We walked to the elevator)
01:25 Me “Is.. Dr. Meniketti knows..?”
01:27 Dr. English-Lueck “Yeah, he knows. So, OK.”
01:29 Me “Because I don't know.”
01:31 Dr. English-Lueck “Yeah. Just..”
01:35 Dr. English-Lueck “He comes in to take an order. One of the best things.”
01:40 Me “I just tried to.. you know.. “
01:46 Me “It gets serious so.. I had no idea I had no choice.”
01:49 Dr. English-Lueck “Uh-huh.”
01:52 Me “I hope you don't mind if I brought it to the Homeland Security.”
01:54 Dr. English-Lueck “(laugh) Yeah. It's OK.”
01:58 Me “I cared.”
02:00 Dr. English-Lueck “Yes.”
(We headed to the Anthropology office)
02:58 Me “(cannot hear)”
(We reached the Anthropology office)
03:05 Me “He didn't know like.. ah..”
03:12 Me “What is going on?”
03:13 Police Officer A “How are you?”
03:14 Dr. English-Lueck “These are the police officers from the campus..”
Me “Ok..”
03:17 Dr. English-Lueck “It's.. it's for..”
03:20 Police Officer A “Give me a favor.. turn around for me?”
Police Officer B “We need to take you to a hospital”
03:24 Me “Wh..why?”
03:25 Police Officer B “Ok? We concerned about your safety.”
03:26 Me “Why?”
03:30 Police Officer B “We were told that you might been making comments about hurting
03:31 Me “No!”
03:33 Police Officer B: “No?”
Me: “No!”
03:35 Dr. English-Lueck: “Well, that's how we interpreted. Elizabeth and I and some others read your emails. We are concerned that you might ....”
(Police officer handcuffing me.)
03:44 Dr. English-Lueck “ That's a.. that's something that we are very much concerned us, and we are only caring about your safety. (hared to hear as the police officer was searching my body.)
03:49 Dr. English-Lueck “We care only about your safety, and we wanna make sure your
condition will be well.”
03:53 Dr. English-Lueck “...and I know this is very much like disturbing by them.”
03:54 Me “Ok.”
03:59 Dr. English-Lueck “I'm sorry but it points out in this way. But we want you to get some help.”
04:00 Me “What's the..”
04:02 Dr. English-Lueck “Because we are afraid that you might hart yourself.”
04:04 Police Officer B “What going to happen is we gonna take you to a hospital.”
Me: “Which hospital?”
04:06 Police Officer B “We gonna take you to the Valley Medical Center Emergency Psychiatric Services.”
04:10 Me: “Uh-huh..”
04:11 Police Officer B “Ok? And we gonna give them the copy of your insurance.”
Me: “Ok.”
4:20 Police Officer B “And then if they think you need to stay and you need help..then the doctor will probably transport you to El Camino Hospital.”
Me: “Ok..then what's gonna happen next?”
4:24 Police Officer B “..ah.. then the doctor will re-evaluate you. Then determine if they think you might be a danger to yourself..”
04:28 Me “No, I'm not.”
04:29 Police Officer B “Ok..then..”
04:30 Me “If I'm danger to.. then why should I did my homework, and why should I come to..?”
04:38 Police Officer B “ah..I... I prologize. ah..”
04:39 Police Officer B “But we'll go ahead to doctors evaluate you because that's what we have to do. Because someone told us that they concerned about your safety. We do have to take you, OK?”
04:47 Me “Who is... but .. why? What's the reason I have to do..?”
04:50 Police Officer B “Because.. because Laws says that we believe you are danger to yourself.”
04:53 Me “No.”
Police Officer B “Then.. ah.. we have to take.. I understand that you don't believe that.”
04:58 Me: “Yes”
04:58 Police Officer B “But we think that there is a possibility. We don't want you hurting yourself..”
05:01 Police Officer B “Then.. I would feel..”
(The voice recorder was turned off by the another police officer.)
Hi I just wanted to give you some input, since I used to work in a hospital so I know how doctors write notes.
When the doctor says you "deny" suicidal thoughts that does not mean they think your really are suicidal. Doctors always write "patient denies x, y or z" whether or not they believe you when they ask you a question and you say no. They never write "patient doesn't have suicidal thoughts." Or if you say you have no pain they don't write "patient has no pain." They write "Patient denies suicidal thoughts" or "patient denies pain" or "patient reports having no pain. But yeah, it always sounds on medical records like the doctor is skeptical. It's just the way they write.
So, how I read their note is that they did not see evidence that you were suicidal, but they did think you were psychotic. Psychotic is not the same as being suicidal. Psychotic always means you are having either delusions or hallucinations or both.
Delusions are false, unshakable beliefs that preoccupy a person to the point of being unable to think about much else. They aren't just being wrong - they have to be unshakable (like when you aren't able to seriously doubt them) and they they're always on your mind. The most common and classic delusion is a persecutory delusion (people are conspiring against you).
Other common delusions might be the belief that people are controlling your thoughts or putting thoughts in your head somehow. Called "thought insertion." Or believing that people are reading your thoughts "thought broadcasting."
"Delusions of reference" are another common delusion - that's when you read trivial things your environment as really significant and either a message to you, or somehow about you. So, seeing messages to you or about you hidden on t.v. or in the newspaper, or walking down the street.
It's interesting the type of delusions people get in schizophrenia - it has something to do, it seems, with the brain processing the relationship between the self and the environment differently. So it becomes hard to tell what's really about me and what's not. Everything feels like it has something to do with me: signs on the street are messages to ME - not just put there for everyone. Other people aren't going about their own business - their business is really about ME).
On the flip side my own thoughts don't feel like they're totally private and my own. Other people are somehow controlling them. Putting thoughts into my head or taking thoughts out of my head. Maybe other people can read my thoughts. Maybe my thoughts don't even feel like they're mine anymore.
So it's not just random "crazy beliefs." It's beliefs that are probably understandable reactions to some change in the way the brain is processing inputs. If everything suddenly "feels" like it's about me, it's very understandable that I mgiht find ways to interpret why it might be about me. If thoughts suddenly don't "feel" like they're mine - they feel strange or unfamiliar - then, I come up with an explanation about why they're no longer my own.
Just for completeness the other psychotic symptom one can have is hallucinations. Hallucinations are sensory perceptions that are unreal. So hearing things (especially voices) that aren't really there would be the most classic and most common hallucination in schizophrenia. But one can have hallucinations in any sensory mode (sight, smell, touch, taste).
In their notes they don't mention hallucinations, so I'm assuming they're basing their belief that you are psychotic on the fact that they think you were having a delusion.
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