21 June, 2009

How to start Java Programming for the beginners

Since last week, I had been working on reviewing HTML codes and Java stuffs to improve my network competence. When I first studied programming, the Internet nor the networking was a choice for consideration. I left that part as I never needed to explore.

Now, any IT knowledge is connected to the networking. The Visual Studio has .NET framework for the programmers. I am from the Visual Studio background (starting from VC++ 1.0 comes with over 40 floppy disks). The free Visual Studio 2008 Express edition helped me a lot to learn about C#. If I worked with VC++, it would be way easier to understand .NET, but I picked VC# for its excellent use with .NET. Anyone wants to learn C++, C#, or Visual Basic, VS 2008 Express edtion is the way to go. There are free tutorials in many tech websites. I'll address some useful links at the bottom of this website. I bet they helps other programming learners.

About Java... I had always had bad impression on Java. I knew it's efficiency and usefulness. However, I got problem with how to start learning the language. Honestly, I tried several times to learn Java codings before. My first experience was with VJ++. It came with the Visual Studio. Since I was serious in VC++ only, I had no textbooks for J++, and I didn't go with the dialect like coding. If I had VC++, why should I play with the dialect J++? So, I didn't touch it so much.

Then, I tried NetBeans and BlueJ. Those are famous and pretty popular. For the beginner of Java programming, I had problem finding the tutorials for them. NetBeans offers sample programs with the source codes, but that's for the people already know Java. It is much like how I learned VC++ "after" I studied Dr. Stroustrup's classical book. BlueJ was another choice. I liked the icon. The problem was the lack of enough tutorial and references. I got manual and some documents. That's all about it. JavaScript would be another choice, but that sounded not good as it limits my knowledge only sticked to web programming.

What was the best choice for starting Java programming?

TextPad. It gave me the easy "run" command to check the basic Java source codes. If it comes with web browser starting function, it would be a perfect tool for Java/HTML programming. There is an option to add other programs run from the TextPad, so the user actually make this dream comes true. I prefer NetBeans and Visual Studio's helping to type functions. However, they use the particular functions of their own.

By the way, these sites are good to learn programming languages including Java. Reading tutorials and tricks helps to understand the computer languages. Spending more time with the language, the one will improve it no matter if the language is human spoken or computer one. After I get confidence in Java language, I would be able to work with NetBeans.


Unknown said...

Dear Miyoko:
The Albert Einstein Institution has developed the Strategic Non Violent Action as a source of power for socio political domination of States. This is the base of Gangstalking. First you develop the network and recruit thousands of citizens to act as covert civil soldiers to perform sabotage and subversion tasks. But then you need everyday to ratify your control over this citizens, check their total availability and submission to your orders. And here is where the gangstalking activity fits in. Gangstalking targets are only instrumental. What really matters is mantaining the civilian puppets network active and trained and check everyday that each of these puppets obey 100% anything they are ordered.
So really gangstalking is no more than a secondary issue needed to maintain fit these Power and Domination Networks.The american intelligene uses this Covert power networks all over the world and in Europe also, as a way to covertly remote-control European democracies. Socio-politicaly controlled European democracies by the US intelligence.

The effectiveness of this Albert Einstein Institution technics is enormous. But you need to make sure everyday that each one of your puppet civil spies knows that he is a slave and must obey whatever oder he receives. And gangstalking is the way to check this. So we victims are just "co-lateral damage" needed for the business to work.
In Spain, the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia obeys like a puppet the orders of the Pentagon/CIA masterminds. CNI runs locally Spain's gangstalking activities. Our secret services is being used by US intelligence as a Troyan horse to dominate Spanish society. Really Alberto Saiz, the director of Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, and Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, Ministro del Interior, should have done some efforts to stop this humilliation. I don't know if they've, but if they did, they haven't succeeded to date.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Unknown said...

The Gladio civil spy secret networks were set up in all European countries by the Pentagon and CIA to act as stay-behind subversive armies in case of a USSR communist invasion of Europe during the Cold War. But finally these stay-behind armies ended up doing false-flag terrorism in order to descredit the up-rising leftist political parties in Italy, France, etc.

These covert networks still exist and are fully operational. Their mission is to prevent any unwanted socio-political change in Europe. They covertly influence the domestic agenda of European democracies. All European secret services know their existance and as NATO members accept it. More over, they are fully coordinated.

The purpose of NATO nowdays is to maintain all this highly populated democracies under absolute socio-political peace. The best way to do this is by setting up this covert citizen networks that will do sabotage and subversion activities in case an emergency situation unexpectedly appears, where the State might find itself losing control of the population (sudden shortage of basic commodities, extended social riots due to high unemployment that will lead to leftist parties gaining access to government,etc). These networks do gangstalking everyday to thousands of innocent victims selected in most cases ramdomly, just to reaffirm and assert the commitment of each and everyone of the network members as obedient civil spies.

We gangstalking targets are just a by-product, a co-lateral damage of these security prevention policies.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Unknown said...

Maybe you can help me with something. Really an absolute beginner question.

I took basic and pascal a LONG LONG time ago and really liked it and wanted to get back into simple hobby programming, but now I'm trying to figure out how do you learn programming that works with windows, you know?

Like I know I could learn to write a simple program that does a simple calculation, but I don't know that I could write a basic program that has a windows GUI - you know file menu and everything at the top, etc.

How can a beginner learn THAT kind of thing?

Unknown said...

Oh, and thanks so much for writing this. I've really had a hard time finding good info on learning beginning programming. Every time I try to google it it's all targetted at professionals or CS majors who are already highly skilled.

JB said...

I really do not know why you want to stick to me asking questions about programming. There are bunch of forums for programming beginners.

The GUI concept might be difficult for the beginners. I really cannot say how it works as each programming language has different way to activate what is to be done at the moment. The OOP could be quite tricky for the starters. If you read some textbooks and learn how the examples work, then you just accept how it is.

All you needs for programming are: curiosity, some good selling programming books, the programming application, lots of time for coding, endurance. Seriously, there are good website already available for people trying to learn programs.

Unknown said...

I was just kind of hoping you'd go "Oh that's easy! Just start with this programming language and go to this tutorial and you'll be up to speed in no time"

But I guess there's no easy answer on that. Programming is so complicated these days. I don't even understand when you'd use Java, or C++ or PHP or Perl or bleh...

Anyway you don't have to respond and I wont' keep asking you questions. Thanks for the input you've already given.

Anonymous said...

A valuable post on HTML Programming

Mark - USMLE Solutions & Absite