Here is the good example of how Dr. Peter Newsom at El Camino Hospital did something awkward. He allowed me to use the Internet to check my school schedules and diagnosed me as "gravely disabled" about 3 hours later. I guess he needed to arrow me to use the Internet to reply the email from the director of the Equal Opportunity Services. She wrote to me to make an appointment.
From the beginning Dr. Peter Newsom observed me to conclude no intention of harm to self or others. But he did not let me leave the hosptial. I supposed to be mentally ill. I think Dr. Peter Newsom is actually paranoia as he does not know the definition of "gravely disabled" status. Can a person gravely disabled (unable to find food, clothes, shelter, by oneself) know how to use the Interent?? I really do not understand why the psychiatrist like Dr. Newsom does not know the definition from DSM-IV or even the common sense. This is same for Dr. Wiggsy Sivertsen of SJSU, who claimed me of suicidal and put 5150 on me. Telling everything to police is considered as suicidal at SJSU. Maybe such delusions and misinterpretations of psychiatry, the SJSU nursing major students can work without problem at El Camino Hospital. If you mention the corruption in the organization, you can be claimed as paranoia. If you accept the corruption or already gone insane to know what is moral or humanity, you would have no problem staying together with other corrupted people.
Thanks for the Blue Cross of California, the psychiatrists and the hospital were paid for what they have done to me. Everything was paid by the large group SJSU insrance.
There is a blank part on the document when Dr. Newsom changed my status to "gravely disabled." But you can find what happened at that time in another document. I do have common sense, and I know the "gravely disabled" definition.
Evidence of Third Party Assistance Must Be Considered
It is well-established that a person is not gravely disabled within the meaning of the LPS Act if he or she is capable of safely surviving in freedom with the help of willing and responsible family members, friends or third parties. See Conservatorship of Early (1983) 35 Cal.3d 244; Conservatorship of Neal (1987) 190 Cal.App.3d 685; Conservatorship of Wilson (1982) 137 Cal.App.3d 132; Conservatorship of Davis (1981) 124 Cal.App.3d 313. In Early, the California Supreme Court made clear that the trier of fact on the issue of grave disability must consider the availability of third party assistance in making its determination, but only if credible evidence of such assistance is adduced from any source at the trial of the issue.
Grave Disability Defined Narrowly
In Conservatorship of Smith (1986) 187 Cal.App.3d 903, the California Court of Appeals, First Appellate District, stressed that a finding of grave disability must be supported by an "objective finding that the person, due to mental disorder, is incapacitated or rendered unable to carry out the transactions necessary for survival or otherwise provide for her basic needs of food, clothing, or shelter." Id., at 909. The Smith court went on to state that "bizarre or eccentric behavior, even if it interferes with a person's normal intercourse with society, does not rise to a level warranting a conservatorship except where such behavior renders the individual helpless to fend for herself or destroys her ability to meet those basic needs for survival. Only then does the interest of the state override her individual liberty interests." Id.
In sum, in order to support a finding of "grave disability," the person must (1) presently (2) be unable to provide for food, clothing and shelter (3) due to a mental disorder (4) to the extent that the failure to do so results in physical danger or harm to the person. In making this determination, the trier of fact must consider the availability of third party assistance to the person if credible evidence of such assistance is produced at the hearing.
It is so funny that psychiatrists at El Camino Hospital do not know the common sense. They don't believe facts like audio tapings nor know common sense, but they(witch doctors) have MD and Ph.D titles.

Dear Miyoko:
As you know, the gangstalking networks are developed using the "need to know" principle. This means each informant does not know the rest of the people in the organisation, he only knows the agent that has recruited him. Nothing is told about the criminal purpose of this network to each informant.
That is why every time I see a snitch I inform him clearly what is gangstalking (Gladio network), how its members are manipulated citizens, etc.
This way you are subverting their network members.
Dear Miyoko:
The Gladio networks have evolved since the end of 2nd World War, from a stay behind military organisation to act in case of a Russian invasion of Europe, to today's gangstalking criminal networks, with close links with multinationals.
Since today there is no risk of communist invasion, these expensive military networks have offered their service to the multinational cartels. Thus, in organisations like the Trilateral where we see the blend between multinationals and secret services. Both deliver each other valuable advantages.
The secret service sector obtains gold retirement jobs for its members in these multinationals. These multinationals use basically the secret services to mantain the socio-political status quo. No matter if two thirds of the world population is starving or under severe poverty. The Trilateral assumes very clearly that is not their business.
To keep this socio political status quo as it is warranting its business, they need people to be obedient and tame, to be part of the hard working resignated middle class.
The secret service sector obtains ilegal comissions also from their multinational partners.
This criminal association between the multinational corporate and secret service sectors is very powerful, even more than the political institutions.
Dear Miyoko:
Usually multinationals hire just retired high ranking secret services officials. So there is always an interchange of services and money between both sectors.
Gangstalking is part of the service provided to prevent any change in the society. Its a straitjacket placed in society to warranty business as usual will last many years
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