10 January, 2010

Brain researchs showing how scientists are capable to switch off brain functions

I found an interesting article from Forbes.

Here's a new tool for silencing brain regions, just a wee bit more subtle than an iron spike or a lobotomy: Ed Boyden, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has developed a way to shut down parts of a brain just by shining light on them. When the light is turned off, the brain switches back on--a luxury not available to Gage or H.M.

"We can now digitally turn off regions of the brain," says Boyden. "We can alter the information in the brain in a strategically useful way."

Boyden's discovery, published in the journal Nature this week, is a powerful new tool for neuroscientists struggling to understand the complexity of the brain. With it, researchers will be able to probe how the circuitry of the brain works by silencing certain very specific areas or types of brain cells and studying the effects.

For the electronic harassment victims, I think such effects are quite familiar. There are basically 3 ways to turn off an individual's thought from a certain matter.
1. send too much information to crowd the brain activity to shut it down the process. ". By electronically jamming the brain, acetylcholine creates static which blocks out sights and sounds. You would then have no memory of what you saw or heard; your mind would be a blank.'" The process would be only few seconds or even less, and you suddenly get another information or thought to handle with priority.
2. send hypnosis or commands through V2K to persuade the one to think something else. In this case, the subject receives something else to think.
3. The proton as the switch of turn on or off the activity. This is written in the article; "These protons were a surprising target: Protons are not thought to play any role whatsoever in neural activity."

The third method is probably like how we suddenly forget something that is very familiar. For example, you may be able to remember your friend's name and mobile phone number, but you may not remember the phone number of your friend's home. You know that the number is probably the same area code in the region. However, you cannot guess what it is. When the brain memory is switched off, there is no access to the data, so the brain cannot try to retrieve it from the linked clues. For example, you might the number contains two same numbers or the number is only on the right side of the keypad and so on. Such extra clues cannot comes up because the entire information is missing from your memory. The switched off state would be like something is completely gone blank and you feel that you cannot reach it somehow. But I think the above 1 and 2 are often done easier because that will help the MIB to stop turning off the brain part. If the subject starts thinking about something else, they no longer have reason to shut down the part of brain.

I hope these UFO abductees who were implanted RFID few decades ago receive compensation from the goverments and the companies making profits from the past human experiments. Also, I wish these victims of electronic harassment get respects as another human beings to stay away from such governments' covert human experiments.


Anonymous said...

Dear Miyoko:
About the issue of Flight Air France 447 Rio de Janeiro-Paris crash. We have been told that there is no possibility of finding the plane. To my knowledge, so many tones of steel or other metals can be easily detected with conventional submarine radar. Why then havent the French military recover the plane? This is another cover up. France cannot disclose the truth because again the truth is too horrific to make it public and would damage totally the diplomatic relations between USA and France,should the public know that a US miitary satellite operated by out of control defense contractors, linked with corporate US elite cults, had attacked with electromagnetic rays a civil aviation plane.

Anonymous said...

Nuevamente el terrorismo Gladio de la OTAN, a traves de su franquicia tapadera, la banda terrorista ETA, secuestrando los dos Estados , Portugal y Espana, Espana y Portugal, que se ven obligados a seguir el juego absurdo y macabro del departamente de guerra clandestina de la OTAN, dirigido por el Pentagono y la inteligencia anglosajona, so pena de que si ambos Estados no aceptan esta simulacion, la venganza llevaria la forma de un atentado mayusculo que afectaria la estabilidad del Estado. Quiza una matanza a traves de contaminar agua potable, o derribar un avion, cualquier barbaridad, que obliga a la guardia civil, la policia y el Centro Nacional de inteligencia a verse obligados a callar y obedecer y seguir el juego absurdo que dura ya 50 anos. Teatro por otro lado que se cobra vidas reales. Lo mismo que El Solitario. Se repite el esquema de la OTAN de utilizar a sus zombies terroristas fugandose a Portugal. Parece ser que la inteligencia militar americana y britanica de alguna manera asi amenaza a Portugal, para que sea un Estado obediente, haciendole ver que en si no coopera como rehen, en cualquier momento se pueden extender las actividades la estrategia militar del terror a suelo Portugues. Problamente fue el Solitario uno de los muchos agentes provocadores que tiene desplegados por toda Europa la OTAN, individuos que sabiendose impunes realizan su labor de terrorismo sociologico esparciendo la violencia planificada. Son todos individuos "disponibles", muchos de ellos manchurianos, la mayoria se les ha lavado el cerebro desde su juventud. La OTAN, a traves de sus sucursales que son los servicios secretos de cada pais, recluta desde su juventud a individuos con el caracter apto para realizar acciones anti-sociales y violentas, los manipula hasta convertirlos en delincuentes y criminales en serie, caso del Solitario. Despues de utilizar a estos individuos para sus fines, los meten en la carcel, o los reciclan para otras tareas del inconfesables del EStado. Espana y Portugal son dos Estados amenazados y secuestrados por la violencia planificada de la OTAN y sus militares masones. No les queda mas remedio que ser obedientes, dejarse manipular socio-politicamente, aceptar el sistema corrupto.
Tambien Francia ha tenido que entrar al juego Gladio de la OTAN. En Francia el sustituto de ETA que utiliza la OTAN han sido los terroristas corsos o los traficantes mercenarios de marsella y la costa azul, argelinos y demas. Zombies listos para cualquier crimen para sostener en Europa mediante el terror el sistema de vida anglosajon.
Es realmente una verguenza y una humillacion que Espana y Portugal se vean obligados a corromperse ante las amenazas de los masones anglosajones de la OTAN y colaborar en estas simulaciones sangrientas. La guerra psicologica del sistema corrupto anglosajon a los demas paises europeos, mediante la intimidacion a traves del terrorismo sociologico. Nos vemos obligados a seguir el juego a unos criminales y callar. Los periodicos tambien.

Anonymous said...

Expose this criminal covert harassment. Satellite harassment technology is being used to stalk ramdomly thousands of innocent citizens around the world. This US military satellites are being operated on a daily basis by private defense contractors. There is no control o ...ver who operates these extremely powerful space-based weapons. Private business interests,defense contractors and extreme fringe groups and cults are all interlocked with US military top brass and Pentagon. The result is pervasive misuse of these US space-based weapons, misplaced power on the hands of extreme uncontroled lobbies.