07 October, 2011

$200 to get free from V2K

Someone mentioned this website. It sells 2 books for $200 and says it can help to stop the V2K as well as the gang stalking.

Chapter 1: Demystifying Neuro-Electromechanical Entrainment
Chapter 2: Identifying the Architecture of Neuro-Electromechanical Entrainment
Chapter 3: Demystifying Voice-to-Skull, Mind-Control, Emotional-Control and Body-Control
Chapter 4: Symptoms of Neuro-Electromechanical Entrainment
Chapter 5: Diagnosis of Neuro-Electromechanical Entrainment
Chapter 6: The Grid Exit Method
Chapter 7: The Way Forward

Also, the book might tell something important like this.
The identity of the US department that commissioned V2k: Electric Angel unmasks the
unscrupulous department of the US Government responsible for commissioning the
research into the V2k invention... and paying the inventor for it for the greater part of a
decade... with US taxpayers’ money!

Also, they say using the perp's own RF frequency can help to jam the V2K. This might be a good knowledge to start sharing.

"Defeats V2k, mind/body/emotional-control using Perpetrators’ own
Radio Frequency (RF). Signal assists you to escape, whether the
Perpetrators like it... or Not"

If you are interested, please try. The exposure of the actual people engaged in the V2K, so it can bring a massive lawsuits against the harassers. I don't know why the author only wanted to write books and selling them. That sound really small money than what the victims maybe capable of getting from the group lawsuit.

The book says the V2k is cell tower technology. I can assume how the mass people are controlled like that and acting as if the perpetrators. The V2K works even in an international airplane, so that should be take care or we might find the terrorists that can control the passengers with the V2k technologies to go wild without their will.


JB said...
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JB said...

I shared the above book link to an Italian psychiatrist who is studying about gang stalking and electronic harassment. She wrote books about it also in Italian. Well, I think she made a mistake of understanding me as the author, Digital Angel. I am not the author of the above two books. The last communication with her was like she cannot guarantee me to discharge from a hospital. It happened after I asked her if she can help me to get someone for x-ray and implant checking like RFID thing. You know what she might do - helping perps. So, I did not communicate with her at that time. Here is the copy of her mail adding my free PDf for additional information about Digital Angel's book. I don't know why she mistook me as the author at all. I could share the entire conversation, but it would be better to share how she is acting strange. She is a bit paranoid, maybe?

"I am sending to you – as well to other Italian Tis skilled technicians – two mails by another dwelling in Switzerland Ti, who is trying to search every possible mean to protect from and to oppose against perpetrators’ technologies.
His mail address is on the “sender” case, the link to know something more on regard of him as author is
http:// www.free-targeted-individuals.com/about.htm
An explaining link regarding the suggested books is

andre said...

Using a jamer it´s possible to block this estupid tecnology.