22 May, 2014

Organized Stalkers Around Me - May 20-21st, 2014

Here is the video from 20th and 21st. I took a bus from Ulm to Belgrade and the bus was late for 3 hours. The bus got only few passangers with many suitcases. In the bus, there were many people traveling to Skopje and Macedonia area. There was a boy sat in front of my seat and he spoke Assaram Araikum (greeting in Arabic) and it seems his father who sat next to me seemed to be a Turkish immigrant as he spoke in the dialect like Turkish. I know a bit of Turkish like Evet, Willo, to the numbers, so I can tell the difference. I don't know why I've got such a bad luck heading to Serbia using Hungarian boarder instead of the one that checked my suitcase and asked me so many questions at Slo-HR. No one checked this time. No question at all. My suitcase was in the seat near the driver with some more suitcases which were not fit into the storage. Why the bus was late like this way and so many suitcases for the passangers? There was only one bus showed up. I was waiting from the time the buses heading to Moster, Sarajevo and such. The Zagreb bus was late and arrived at 5.30pm. Other passangers were like this.

The woman next to me and her daughter across my seat. They said that they were traveling to Skopje.

There was a man in the bus wearing 2006 Germany World Cup clothes. It's 8 years old and we are expecting to see more people wearing Brasil logo ones by now.

And the Munich car showed up at Belgrade when I was waiting a tram after leaving the bus.

I found the damage of my Jack Wolfskin side bag again. It had nothing since the small holes happened when I stayed in Byzantin Hostel in Bucharest and at St. Joseph church in the city. The holes are similar to the ones made before. It could be happened when I left my bag at the reception of the bathroom at Burger King. I had only notes, papers, and some books inside. I paid 50cents for the bathroom use but got some holes in my side bag. The part I found the holes got nothing now. Just the other side got holes.
And the video here.