28 May, 2014

Organized Stalkers Around Me - May 28th, 2014

I'm in Zagreb now. A bit of things to do here. Hopefully, I've gotten enough time for sending all the info gathered about the human trafficking or gang stalking case to the ICC for this year as an additional evidences. The Japanese man who looks like a Mongolian or some South East Asian facial feature and 20s was still in the hostel in Belgrade this morning. He seemed to be holding a camera all the time and was alone just in the dining table area till late and he seemed to be sleeping all the time I saw him in the hostel. I think he seems to be Takeshi Tsuchiya.

There were some Intalian, German, and one Swiss car from VD on the road. I didn't take pictures much but here is the Munich car I saw as an example.

At Zagreb bus station, I saw 3 Japanese women walking around and I saw them showing up around 3 times. Here is the pic from the time I was eating my dinner there. You can hear their talk in the video. ザグレブのバスステーションで出くわした日本人3人組です。一人は、「地球の歩き方」を持ち歩いてます。日本人旅行客、よく「地球の歩き方」持ってる人に遭遇しますが、そんなものいつも持ち歩いてるんですかね?携帯とかで電子書籍とかのガイドブックのほうが軽くないのかな?それとも、加害者だけが「地球の歩き方」持ち歩いてるんでしょうかね?もしかしたら、空港や飛行機内で売ってるのはその本だけとか?