The V2K perps were talking about how to make female Muslim check easier. They said they would use 3 points system.
- hijab owner
- owns Koran
- love maker
So, the Muslim women the gang stalkers are looking for would be the females who own hijab or scarfs and Koran supposed to be in the possession. Also, the woman supposed be easy going for dating and such.
Well, how many women in Europe would be counted as one of Muslim terrorists by just going out with the FBI's friends who are looking for the points and promotion? So many Muslims in Europe these days, but watch out how to be friends with them. They are really terrible as neighbors converting women by robbing and raping. They could give hijab wor Koran for the gratitude but such gifts would ending up the person to be added as a Muslim synthesizer, so the corrupted police team can enjoy doing the COINTELPRO against the one. Black bag jobs and such and such...
My suggestion is to express the hate against Islam. No ISIS and other terrorist organization in the neighborhood. No mosque, no Shariah law for the female slavery.
It's much easy to catch some Muslim men by claiming them as sex offenders on the streets, don't you think? I know the cops' friend Muslims want to check women up though.
Also, the female Muslims can be caught by their begging siting and reporting.
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