Is this a part of the Japanese SDF and the German militia doing from north of Nicosia? Economic rains have been used often in Ireland, UK, Montenegro and some other areas in Europe. They can cause the sudden lightning also at night for the search light purpose. Are the Turks and the Jap NAVY with NATO Bosnians invading the southern Cyprus?
By the way, there were 2 German speakers sat next to my chair at the beach. Nothing like Christ's coming but just the artificial war image on the sky. The V2K speakers said that the Turks would take the north from the line and south is crashed as the message.
By the way, there were 2 German speakers sat next to my chair at the beach. Nothing like Christ's coming but just the artificial war image on the sky. The V2K speakers said that the Turks would take the north from the line and south is crashed as the message.
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