19 June, 2012

Street theater to the organized crime

In my last post, I mentioned about the gay making mechanism. I think it's easy for the perpetrators to claim me as gay or bisexual after writing something over the gay-thing. If you check my Twitter posting, you would see how I studied and did the prediction of what would it be about the street theaters going on around me by the perps. I did not fall for anything like that at all. So far, I observed 2 females near me with some flirtations and 1 male doing something similar. Let's call it the street theater. I'm not that attractive and don't show off anything that much. How that would happen? I don't go to bars and discos where such flirtation would normally happen.

What I did was the simple observation of the others and how others helping each other for the street theater and telling what to do to others and how to give me the NLP anchoring related with these females.

I wonder if the church workers are persuaded by their friends to complain me as gay or not. These people often bring kids and sit near me and try to make the complaints using their kids for child molesting or other rumors. I'm interested correcting such parents information as they might be the cause of how Catholic priests are claimed as child molesters. These people are often not taking the communion during the mass, so I'm assuming they might be non-Christians or Protestants, who are eager to look down on other religions for their wicked gang stalking hobby.

No pain, no gain. It was a bit stressful for me to study the gang stalkers' flirting mechanism. I don't like to be with others, and I had to negotiate myself to look like a people-person like how I used to be when I was an anthro student. I got the strange "temporally available" legend from one of these perps flirting me. These funny incidents would certainly help me to add some captures to my book. Well I should not make fun of others but thinking about how much damage happened my life and how many lives of small animals and devices killed/broken by the gang stalkers, I think I should not have any hesitation to share their information in order to prevent their future "HATE CRIMES" on other victims. They could to the same trick to others in order to make the false witnesses on the innocent individuals.

Just like the hip-hop and rap music, I can make my words dance to stub people for the sake of exposing the social problems. And I'm a researcher with enough social science knowledge. Enough gang stalking? Check out FCCHS website. Religion can be crashed by atheist gang stalkers.