10 August, 2012

Germans report 60% of eastern Japanese population would be dead in 5 years.

I found an interesting discussion between what Germans reported and Dr. Busby. I kinda like what the Germans predicting as the radical hypothetical of the future of Japan. I wonder 60% of eastern Japan population would be die out in 5 years or not, but that sounds quite a good number for the migration from China or the third world countries. And the German prediction says that 40% risk to the people survived would get the radiation related diseases. Now you need to use the math skill here. 40% of the people would survive and they get 40% of the radiation sickness risks. I feel like the people getting these sickness are still lucky than the 60% of the people who are going to be dead. And the healthy babies are only 20% or less. You see, it's better to ask foreigners to immigrate for the workforce than trying to reproduce their own children to support the country.

I don't really see why people still wanna live in Japan, especially in Tokyo. Their life expectancy will have 20 years less than what it would be. Perhaps Umezu Kazuo can describe a better future in his comic.

★311原発事故による死亡率と放射線障害の発症率 - ドイツの報道&欧州放射線リスク委員会バズビー博士の意見  http://bilininfojp.blogspot.jp/2011/12/blog-post_15.html
1.ドイツ報道:  60% of the population in eastern Japan are going to die within 5 years.  (東北関東の人口の6割が今後放射線症で5年間の間に亡くなる)
バズビー博士:  No, not as bad as that, nothing like that.I should be very surprised if its as bad as that.  そこまでひどくはないでしょう、とんでもない。そんなにひどかったら驚きます。
2.ドイツ報道:  Of those who survived, there's 40% risk of suffering from diseases related to radiation . (生き残った国民の内、4割は放射線症の病気にかかる)
バズビー博士:  Probably true, more like 80% since we include all diseases in this category. But if they mean cancer probably true, i thought 60% but that doesnt allow for deaths from heart attacks which will increase. 恐らく本当、80%ぐらいと言った方が近いかも。それは放射線の影響にはあらゆる病気があるから。でもガンならこれぐらいか、まあ私は60%とみていたんだが、心筋梗塞による死亡は含まれていない。心臓発作は必ず増えます。
3.ドイツ報道: 80% of the minors who are alive now won't be able to celebrate their 40th birthday. 現在いる未成年者の8割は40歳まで生きることが不可能
バズビー博士: No, I dont think its bad as that. I think there will be a general loss of lifespan of about 20 years so the mean expected lifespan at birth in the exposed people will drop from 80 to 60 or 70 to 50, that sort of thing. All kinds of illness rates will increase but heart disease willbe the main outcome as the Cs Nuclides will destry heart muscle. そこまでひどくはないと思う。寿命は一般的に20年程縮まると思う。つまり被曝している人たちは80歳が60歳、70歳が50歳で死ぬなどということになるだろう。あらゆる種類の疾病率が上がるが、主には心臓病が増えるでしょう。セシウムは心筋を破壊するので。 
4.ドイツ報道: As for the babies who are still to be born, only 15% will be considered healthy.   今後出生する子供の内、健康体で生まれるのはわずか15%のみ
バズビー博士: That may be true but I think the birth rate will fall as the fetus will miscarry. That is roughly the situation in Belarus.1 out of 5 healthy at birth. これも当たっているかもしれない。流産により出生率も下がるだろう。ベラルーシがだいたいそういう状態。健康な赤ちゃんは20%。
5.バズビー博士から避難のアドバイス: You could maybe go south if you cant get out. But you should go away from the contamination. もし国外に出られないのなら南(西の意味かと)に行ってもいいのではないか。