13 November, 2007

The stalker (refugee) from Somalia.

I got nice shot of the gaslighting at the kitchen. I always wanted to share information about how the residents are involved in the gaslighting on me at the heim. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST FILM!!! This Somalian guy followed me to the Baunhof wearing "San Diego" sweatshirt when I visited the Zuerich in June. The others are the Tibetans who are working on gaslighting. The first day I moved into this heim, someone sticked a Tibettan Flag sticker on my door. Hey, I am not CHINESE! We have a CHINESE refugee in our heim and he is talking with these Tibettan refugees and Afganistan refugee without no language barrier!!

I don't know what kind of language they are communicating with as it sounds diffrent from Italian, German... I figured out someone is speaking a kind of broken French, but had no idea about others.

Anyway, this is the link for the video.