26 March, 2009

Creating a visual stalker list

I invented this method to create a visual stalker lists. It is hard to explain how who is engaged in stalking by words. If you create a visual database with stalkers picture and some identity connected to others who are also engaged in the harassment on the victim.

Check out the below picture. If you have stalkers in your neighborhood, at work, at local stores, and being stalked by detectives and harassed by same police officers, you know it is easy to show their relationships in a visual way if you know how they are related. In my case, when I visited the post office in Buchs AG, the postal clerk said that I had to contact with Thomas Kunz, the manager of the refugee residence. I visited the post office as I received the notice about package kept there. When I went back and asked Mr. Kunz, he told me to check the residence between Casa Torfeld I and II. He said that the peroson living between the refugee residence might have the package and asked me to talk to the person. I spent the morning waiting outside of the residence. In afternoon, I asked Mr. Kunz again about the package, he told me the post called him that they found the package. I visited the post office again to pick up my package. In this example, you can learn how the postal worker knew Thomas Kunz. Mr. Kunz was often talking with local police officers in his office. From this fact, I can connect Mr. Kunz with the police officer Stefen Frei who were in charge of my room search on October 2007. Max Heimgartener, the volunter at Aarau Caritas, was communicating whith the resident across from my room at Casa Torfeld I. The residents across from my room had strangers temporary lived sometimes. By connecting everyone, it makes easy to figure out something strange has been going on around me. Eritrean, Mongolian, Tibetan perpetrators in Aarau area are another examples. I have been contacted and stalked by strangers from such ethnic background.

As soon as I got my Visual Studio, I might start working on developing a database software for storing perp information. Using .Net and SQL would be powerful enough for such program. My database class will start from next week, but I will try to get some time for creating the diagrams. To avoid confusion, the program will be opensource. This is one of my plan for this year. As I am not equiped with C# knowledge, development would be slow.