20 March, 2009

Crude Social Science and Social Scientist Examples

Here are the bad example of people practicing in social science field engaged in organized stalking. Just like other perps with no Ph.D., they do not have mind to understand what is fact and what is their own subjection. I just use the examples from my own experience having problems with the social scientists who do not know how to separate their subjection from the fact. It is kinda funny to see the Ph.D or the school they attended have nothing to do with their understandings of the facts. I learned the fact is something concrete and can be visible and general to everyone while subjection/opinion is some one's own thoughts and can vary from the view of others. Be aware of the experts in social science field who do not know how to examine facts available. I am a "armature" social scientist from the last Century believing social science field should take facts such as videos and other physical materials than just bragging about what the one think.

Dr. English-Lueck, the cultural anthropologist expert in Chinese culture
On October 16th, 2006, she asked me to have a talk for "5 minutes" at her office. When I followed her to the Anthropology Department, 2 police officers claimed me as suicidal. Since I was on my way to a class, I denied their claim. I had no idea why they wanted to claim me as suicidal. Dr. English-Lueck thought I was suicidal and needed help. There was no choice for me to be handcuffed and was to be sent to a mental hospital. She is the dean of anthropology department yet she cannot understand what someone saying. She decided me to be suicidal by discussing an email I sent to another instructor. This is how she is able to define a culture or behavior. Should I talk about the Japan's New-New religions and the relation to the CIA? I guess she claimed me as suicidal to help out the situation of someone who started her job while she was in UCSC? I heard her hanging out with different guy almost every night.

Dr. Wiggsy Sivertsen (SJSU Counseling Services), Dr. Peter Newsom & Dr. Robert Burr (El Camino Hospital)
They can make any subjective diagnosis while they ignore any facts. These people never ever examined what I have for evidences such as voice recording of me denying to be suicidal nor any other vital information. What they can do is to put a label on someone for whatever they like. They can do the coercive persuasion. They are dangerous for people as they do not even understand how to be scientific for social science disciplines.

Psychiatrists (Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Acute Psychiatric Services)
While I was denying to be suicidal and I said I was wrongly brought there from my way to a classroom, a female psychiatrist diagnosed me as danger to self and danger to others. I wish they recorded this conversation if they have any evidence of me making suicidal comments in the hospital. I was studying for the linguistics quiz on Wednesday using the Vietnamese and Spanish leaflets.