04 April, 2011

The information of the life 10km from the nuke plant and some link for the dead bodies

I found the dead body pictures. I'm glad to see they are not all buried secretly by the government nor became mutants from the radioactive materials. In Japan, people don't show the dead people, so the young generations cannot understand the damages what the older generation experienced. The exception is Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Because of the photos of the dead bodies, people can understand the importance of safety and prevention. I'm not on the side with the Green Party, but I think security issue is important for any politicians to keep their reputations.

Here is the link. (Not severe but quite picturesome.)

Here is the information of someone living within 10km from the nuke plant. He posted to famous 2ch BBS about his life. First, he got sick and runny nose. He complains that he gets headache when he jogs outside. And he says that there are some smells on the air and his clothes get the smell.

And a body with high-radioactive level found within 10km from the nuke plant. I don't know how the body got so high radioactive contamination. I hope the above man does not get that much sickness.

If you wonder why people still living inside the ares from where people should be evacuated, check out this article published on the April Fool Day. There are 29 people living in the 20km from the nuke plant. And 20 to 30km area got 324 people still living inside. The Defense department is just suggesting to move out by themselves and it is planning for the transportation and sending necessary goods. I don't know why they are still making plan for how to help less than 350 people in total.

防衛省は1日の東日本大震災に関する各府省事務次官の連絡会議で、福島第1原発事故で政府が避難指示を出した半径20キロ圏内に依然として住民29人が 残っていることを報告した。滝野欣弥官房副長官が会議後、記者団に明らかにした。政府は引き続き避難を呼び掛ける。屋内退避地区の20〜30キロ圏内に は、自力で避難できない人が324人残っているという。政府はこの地域について、生活物資の不足などを理由に「自主的避難」を呼び掛けており、今後も移動 の手助けや生活物資の支給などを行う方針だ。
Now the Tokyo Electronics is going to threw the seawater into the sea. The contamination level is 100 times bigger than the legal limit. This is the result of the effort from these suicidal people trying to spray sea water on the plants. Suicidal people are ready to die. Thus, they cannot think about the people who are not willing to die and make mistakes that can bring everyone down. Suicidal people cannot have the future plan for themselves and they don't know how far they can save others from their useless efforts. At least, it only helped for killing Japanese fishery. If they buried the plant already, then there should be no problem by now.