02 April, 2011

Japanese censorship on the disastor news

Japanese law enforcement is now eager to punish the people sharing the false rumors about the disaster. In my case, I share the information from other resources which are published in Japanese media already. So, I'm safe as I just quote from somewhere else or from my knowledge based on the different resources. Now the Japanese government's situation is much like what China does. The below article says that media without getting the permission from the government may be claimed as rumor or hypothesis. I don't know why they want to censor any hypothesis as the subject of punishment.


今後、原発問題で、官房長官、原子力安全・保安院、原子力委員会、東電等、関係機関が発表する内容以外の情報を流し たものには「デマ・憶測」として警察庁は摘発するとしており、事実上の戦時中の報道管制を敷いたことになります。


また、東電も独自に発表する数値が異常であるとして他の電力会社に検査を依頼するように指示されたと報じられていますが、半減期が短い放射性物質であれ ば、再検査の結果、検出されずとなることになります。

Some people wonder why there is no pictures of dead bodies from the disasters. Like Haiti, people saw many drowned people as the reality. I don't really know what is going on up in the northeast of Japan. Only Israel doctors were allowed to help the victims while the doctors from UK could not get the necessary permission for their helping inside Japan. Moreover, the security management of the plant in Fukushima was done by Israeli company. Do you know the game, S.T.A.L.K.E.R? It's about the Chernobyl aftermath creating new creatures and treasure hunters hunting down them. There might be some new creatures growing in the area because of the radioactive materials. Oh, I should not write such a hypothesis or my blog would be fined for the claim of spreading rumors.