07 April, 2011

Which country has the nuke threat most; Iran, North Korea, or Japan?

It looks like UN needed to check Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant for the safety as well as of Iran and North Korea. What we can learn is that any country can use their own nuke plant blowing up for the threat against the foreign powers, especially the neighboring countries.

Any charge against Japanese' nuke plant handing yet? I think the Japanese PM needs to take it for the punishment of ill handing the situation and creating more damages in the environment including US, Korea, Taiwan, and other countries along the Pacific Ocean. Otherwise, there will be no way to stop the violation of nuke leaks.

The mass dumping of highly radioactive water (measured at 7.5 million times the normal allowed levels) into the Pacific Ocean is not just an environmental disaster; it's also a violation of international law. The Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, passed in 1972, forbids nations and companies from dumping toxic wastes into the ocean.
What I did not like about the incident was that the authorities tried to cover up the damage and made statements as the minimum estimation to keep their faces. While the Tokyo Electronics wanted to keep the plant working, they pushed the outsourcing employees to be the scapegoat of the damage and let them be the victims of the repairing. They say Fukushima 50 is working at the site. However, more people were recruited for the actual dangerous work as the outsourcing powers who can have extra capacity to work in the environment inside the building. The cleaning job included homeless people in the past. Some human right organizations warned about the homeless recruited for the job and they got nuclear poisoning that killed them in a short period of time. It's just like letting Kamikaze solders to look brave but did not really change the situation in the WWII. Either Kamikaze solders died on their duty or not, they did not have any goal but to perish with the romanticism. Some people are eager to die for something because they don't have any value on their lives. Authorities did not face any danger in such scenario but the action made the mass to be in the mood that they can do the same by taking the suicidal loyal people. If the authorities do not have the clear plan of why they are taking such a dangerous job, then they just die like fools under the control of foolish managers.

According to Wikipedia, Fukushima Daiichi plant workers got capacity acceptable to work which is more than 2 times higher than the level that is officially known that the level can cause health damages.
100 人間の健康に影響が出ると証明されている放射線量の最低値(これ以下の放射線量についての健康被害は長期的なものを含めて一切証明されてい ない)。


放射線業務従事者(妊娠可能な女子を除く)が1回の緊急作業でさらされてよい放射線の限度。妊娠可能な女子には緊急作業が認められて いない。

白 血球の減少。(一度にまとめて受けた場合、以下同じ)

福 島第一原子力発電所事故の処理にあたる放射線業務従事者(妊娠可能な女子を除く)が1回の緊急作業でさらされてよいと特例 で定められている放射線の限度。


So, how long Japanese government is going to be the threat to the healthy lives of the creatures around the world? Why one company is taking the responsibility of what happened? Maybe we can remember what the oil company did and how the government handled in the oil spill in Alaska.

I'm Christian and I know perps might claim my denying of suicidal people with heroic delusion as the sign of denying Jesus' voluntary death. My understanding is that he did not fight. He accepted what was happening against him and he acted so to fulfill the scriptures. He died once but was risen to heaven. I believe the Bible teaches people to stay away from trouble and it teaches people to escape from the area not suitable.