21 September, 2012

911 last year and the memory of the small black pigeon

I don't know what happened to my VAIO, but it got completely black screen after it got some problem. I can use it in the safe mode, but when I tried the Firefox, it got crashed. I guess the electronic harassment is going on - isn't it typical for the journalists and activists who are doing their work unfavorable for the governments? I don't do nothing more than just to edit my new book and adding few more pages though. It's not full of political poems, but just the general one with few interesting stuffs for the readers to get some insights.

While I was checking my emails, I found the communication with SOS, the animal shelter organization in Sarajevo. I tried to save some pigeons fell on the garden, and one by one they died in a strange way. It's too sad to see how the black baby pigeon which almost got a host family and died on September 11th last year from unknown cause. Here is the copy of the communication with the person who is working at SOS. The perps might claim me as the pigeon killer as they are so wicked. I tried my best to save small animals while I was gangstalked in the city. There are lots of sick people out there in Sarajevo or other areas. It's nice to share the information here as there are some people actually caring small animals even some animals are not of their specialties.

If you are interested watching the video about how the pigeon died, you can find it on my post around September 11th, 2011. In gang stalking, the victims are usually the innocent victims who did not commit crimes or did anything wrong - perhaps they might be hated or mobbed by the people working at the intelligence. Some women were listed on the black list as the result of rejecting to date with DOD workers. A typical COINTELPRO operation with ill-motivation.

I added the video link here for the reader of this page. Tell me if you know what was the cause of the death of the black pigeon.