29 September, 2012

Karstadt & Perfetto @ München main train station - one alarm beeping result

Yesterday, I had the lunch time and visited Karstadt near München main train station. I wanted to make a video of randomly checking the security alarms this time. I tried to enter from near the S-Bahn entrance. The Perfetto, the supermarket, had the security alarm at the entrance and it beeped when I tried to enter. It's in front of the Kiosk. Then I just passed through the store as I wanted to get to street to the south east. I kept my camera on till the exit. The Karstadt security alarm at the exit did not beep.

Later, I went through from the same Karstadt security alarm and passed two more security alarms set at the two different exits. This time, none of them beeped. Then I revisited the Perfetto security alarm again, and it still beeped. Conclusion, the Perfetto security alarm near S-Bahn entrance got something wrong. I might try to visit there with my bag with less stuffs and check what was the cause. Perhaps, I can check if the netbook makes the alarm beep just like at the DM in Karlsplatz or not. If that happens, I can complain that these security models got some problems. I did not steal anything and only entering to the store makes it beep. It's so annoying. Maybe, there would be a possibility of activists to bring their netbooks and enter the store from that side in a group to make the alarm continuously beeping. That sounds fun and we can create an artistic protesting video.

But we still have the question; why DM at Karlsplatz got security alarm at the cashier that beeps while nothing around or the customer behind me got beeping when she passed through.

From yesterday's result shows that if someone made up a theft claim on me, I can tell that was a fake one as far as I filmed the conversation of the people who checked my bag at Tengelmann and DM at Karlsplatz. I will continue this research with the hope of better understanding of the security alarm behavior in München.