04 November, 2012

6 Japanese mayors died after the nuclear accident.

An article says that 6 mayors died from the heart problems after the nuclear accident in Fukushima. It sounds like Japanese are cursed, don't you think? So far, the heart-reated deaths are doubled in Japan. Now no one can persuade me to go back to Japan while the country is really hazardous for my health. Let the people die from the cesium and wait how far the death counts increase due to the radioactive materials. If someone wants to kill a particular person, he can just buy some foods contains tons of radioactive materials. No crime would be reported. See? It's dangerous to live in Japan.

UBS got some problem of the money handling, but I hope it only going on for a short time. People can live in the country side with minimum stuffs if they don't really look for everything available with the high technology.

原発事故後10か月で6人 相次ぐ現職市長の急死




死 亡したのは、埼玉県日高市長(73):心筋梗塞、新潟県燕副市長(58):閉鎖性黄疸、愛知県尾張旭市長(67):すい臓がん、栃木県那須塩原市長 (67):胸部大動脈瘤破裂、山口県長門市長(75):膀胱がん、大阪府守口市長(66):誤嚥性肺炎、千葉県勝浦市長(59):肺がんら。

さらに今年3月には福島県伊達市の仁志田晃司市長が急性の心筋梗塞で県立福島医大に救急搬送された。 (http://blog.livedoor.jp/home_make-toaru/archives/6697189.html)