22 May, 2013

Stay away from Japanese people - they might be spreading more radioactive than the nuke waste

There was a Japanese man, Mr. Morita, who checked his stomach with the Geiger Counter and got .86usv. He died recently. He lived in Hitachi city in Ibaragi prefecture. It's not far away from Fukushima or Tokyo.  The Blogger who shared the information in Ashura Forum said that he got message from the relative of Mr. Morita and the cause of his death was heart failure. Who got high radioactive stomach? That sounds really dangerous for others as well. TEPCO is not responsible for such a funny death in Japan.

There seems over 100,000 people worked at Fukushima nuke plant. A politician from Fukushima, Chieko Nishiyama, writes in her blog that over 4,300 people (4% of the people worked there) died. She says that the compensation is over a million yen level and that is why the victim's family cannot speak up about it. The good thing is that 64 SDF solders and about 300 police men died as well as those who have worked at the Fukushima nuke plant. Most people died from the heart problem. The openly known deaths from the nuke plant workers are only 3. The people died after they finished their contract and went back to their homes.
<福島県川内村村議会議員 西山千嘉子氏からの情報> http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/chikako_5155/7006995.html - 2011年11月7日 13:05 - ウェブ魚拓
<福島県川内村村議会議員 西山千嘉子氏からの情報>
こ れまでフクイチ原発作業に携わった作業員は、のべ約10万人、そのうち約4%にあたる4300人が亡くなっているという。直接の死因は心筋梗塞が多いよう だ。そのようにして亡くなくなった場合には、億単位の多額の口止料が支払われており、口外すると没収されてしまうため、家族も一切口をつぐんでいるよう だ。
I'm just curious how many dies as a sum in a long run from the radio active problem? I think the government will be corrupt from mass deaths of politicians and the foreign media can start investigating the truth. I don't wanna see any Japanese perps here. They might spread radio actives from their breathing. Think about the smoke of a cigarette. You don't wanna see how far radio actives from someone's body fly like that way. Why Japanese people don't use masks? It helps not to spread radio actives to others.