Well, it was nice trying to chat with a robot kept telling me the offer while I got no way to get it as JustCloud account blocking me to try MyPCBackup application sign up. Hey, isn't there something wrong with the promotion policy to these companies?
Lauren Says:Hey Wait! We would hate to see you go without seeing what's made us an award winning backup service. I have been authorized to give you a 100% free account. just CLICK HERE
Lauren Says:if you have any questions or would like to know more about our service just say "Hi" and we can get started....
You:are you real? or a robot?
Lauren Says:Ok, you got me, I am a live virtual agent..hehe
Lauren Says:But I am very intelligent, so I should be able to answer any questions or problems you have. What did you want to ask me?
You:I signed up to JustCloud and wanted to cancel it because they asked me to send my credit card and personal ID images.
Lauren Says:Oh, if you have already signed up please feel free to close this chat window. As I can only help you today by offering you this awesome one-time special offer.
Lauren Says:Is there anything else i can help you with today?
You:It seemed easier to find another alternatives. It seems I got problem checking MyPCBackup instead of JustCloud as my email address is already signed up to JustCloud.
Lauren Says:What exactly seems to be your problem?
You:I want to delete JustCloud registeration and try MyPCBackup application instead.
Lauren Says:Install the program on your computer and it will automatically backup all your important files, emails, photos, music, business documents and more without you having to do anything. The program will check every day for new or changed files and will automatically back them up.
You:Well, I cannot create an acount with my email address which I often use for major purposes.
Lauren Says:Just Click Here to find our support email address.
You:I just replied to MyPCBackup.com customer support email which telling me I already signed up to JustCloud and I suppose to use JustCloud instead of checking MyPCBackup.
Lauren Says:Oh, if you have already signed up please feel free to close this chat window. As I can only help you today by offering you this awesome one-time special offer.
Lauren Says:Is there anything else i can help you with today?
You:Ah, now I found you are a robot. A good gag for my blog today.
Lauren Says:I am a live virtual agent
Lauren Says:So I should be able to answer any questions or problems you may have as well as offering you this great last minute offer.
Lauren Says:Would you like to receive a free trial?