16 July, 2013

2 German cars showed up

I had a normal day today. I thought of communicating the Muslim extremists victims to form a protesting group but I was doing something else for another book to be published soon. I got 2 more to publish and one of them got about 70% done and another with 45%. 

Well, I thought of going to Matka Lake by bus costing less than 1€ for the trip. When I was near the bus station, I saw 2 German cars passing by. I took pictures of them. After that, no more German cars showed up.

At night, when I went out to eat dinner and later bought an ice cream. The clerk said that 1 scoop would be 30DIN, so I bought 2 scoops and thought it would be 60DIN. There was a man stood next to me and checking the ice cream inside of the show case. When my ice cream was ready, the clerk said that would be 90DIN. I wonder if that was a perp getting his free 1 scoop ice cream for cheating. Here is the video.

I'm traveling to another place tomorrow. The V2K perps warn me that they would have more harsh problem with US Army. I don't know why they want to confirm me as a Muslim. I have no interest in Islam but they seemed to be so sadistic that they love using physical force to make me confess like that. The witch hunting in the modern era, huh? If that happens, I would take my cross like the saints in the past. Who want a cross like that from the US Army or whatever?