03 August, 2013

I'm in Medjugorje now

There are many people here, so I got less harassments from the gang stalkers. It seems German and Swiss cars traveled very frequently while I was in the bus. Well, my time of using the Internet is limited, so I make everything short. If I'm lucky, I have a chance to post OSAM from yesterday.

I saw many Germans here in Medjugorje. It is normal for them to travel alot, but I found more from the Bayern. I'm assuming that some of them might be asked by the Munich perps to help on surveillance, disinformation campaign, harassment, theft, etc. If they don't know my COINTELPRO in Deutschland blog site, they might simply help their friends who want some favor from them. Or I might be seeing the people who are related with the infamous "Rat Line" to help the Nazi Catholics to escape to South America. FBI is created by the ex-Nazis people just like CIA was new OSS and was of "Operation Paperclip" to keep German intelligence alive somewhere.

Here are some German pics. You know, it's not me sharing something sensitive. It's the people and so called "NeoNazi" groups who are possibly linked to the military or corrupted police.

And some perpetrators.

The guy who sat near me and kept his backpack open and was on barefoot.

And there are some people from Korea and China as well. Luckily I got no contact from them. They might have anti-Japanese friends who want to ask some favors, too. It's really easy to target Japanese who supposed to be believing in Japanese emperor or Buddhism or Shinto. I'm harassed by the Japanese V2K voices who are persuading me to convert to Soka Gakkai. I hate seeing anyone Buddhist or Shinto as they look like the Japanese ideal perps.