24 October, 2013

I'm Islamfobia because of the Muslim gang stalkers /Muslim police informants

My understanding of Islam is really normal when the 911 happened. I thought Muslims are just wrongly targeted by the group of people who are from the same religion. You know, it's like all the Japanese Americans are claimed as dangerous and the national threat after the Perl Haber. The US got money out from confiscating the Japanese Americans' wealth, which was not much as the colored people did not own that much like others. Muslims were some people out there just like Hidies and others with different ethnic, cultural, religious backgrounds.

I got so much threats from the Voice to Skull Japanese speakers. They want to bring some Muslims, so that their Muslim informants can make the false witness to claim me a Muslim. I'm Catholic and had nothing to do with Islamic religion except the part I studied about their culture in my anthro and poli-sci classes before. My knowledge is nothing more than the school knowledge. And the reality with the COINTELPRO - the possible Muslim, Criminals, Prostitute, Shoplifter, Suicidal Terrorist catching black operations made me really aware of Muslim around me. When I was in Munich, there were some Muslim gang stalkers stalking me. My Goethe Institute classes got half classmates Muslims while the gang stalking skits like NYPD and other things going on.

Their method would be like to make someone likes Islamic people or to get to know Muslim informants and they would catch the person together. You see, Islamic people are just the evildoers only targeting innocents to trap them with Islamic knowledge and making money and the promotions through the community watch programs.

I get nervous seeing mosque or Muslim people. The V2K perps saying that they could steal my suitcase or backpack containing many Catholic books including Pope's books and foreign Bibles, so that I would ended up no money around to look like a beggar and they are hoping that I would be asking help in a mosque. I would just go to the Catholic church to get help if such thing happens. I can tell my gang stalking damages and how much they stole from me. Well, the gang stalkers too over the church for donation collecting center for the riches, so I don't know if the charity workers are no longer helpful or not. I would say that that would be what I might discover later. The V2K perps say that they want to steal my suitcase and my computer - till only few cent coins with me this time.

I think I would join the anti-Islam groups in future to overcome this Islamfobia to make it something productive such us sporting the US troops killing Muslims in the Middle-East and encourage them to put them on sticks like Vlad Tepes did for the old tradition revival, pro on War on Syria to take out the Islamic anti-feminist leaders who are oppressing women, and forgiven the people committed ethnic genocides such as Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzogvina as it was the necessary action to take out the barbaric primitive dangerous Muslim terrorists.

I would be in Sofia a while to make appointment with the doctor for the surgery and take care the cracked M2 molar on the top right few days ago when I was sick in the bed in Sighisoara.

I will add some pics from today before taking the bus.