23 January, 2014

Organized Stalkers Around Me - January 23rd, 2014

Here is the video from today. In next week, I'm gonna have a second nose surgery to take out the cyst. I don't know how it goes. If there is a sign of foul play at the hospital, I'd cancel and leave the hospital. I must stay for few days after the surgery, but if anything going to be dangerous, I would leave earlier to be a commuting patient. I've got a duct tape and trying to buy a wind chime to be put on the room door. They should be enough. And I'm thinking to sleep during the day time and stay awake at night.

There was a Spanish car parked near my hotel this afternoon.

I saw a NYPD cap man in front of the cathedral today. He spoke to me when I took a picture. Usually, people don't care about the people taking picture around the big town hall? or the cathedral. They should be aware of the camera that much. He speaks perfect English that is rare in Arad area. Are they working for the gang stalking? I'm quite sure.

And the German car parked around the corner from where I had my dinner.

Oh, by the way, a box of the surgical tape was gone from my room when I came back. Someone cleaned my hotel room, so the cleaning person might took it or thought it as just a box. I hope the perps are not using it for any foul play like bomb making with it and accidentally finding my finger prints on it. We know such stupid tricks done by the FBI or other intelligence all the time.

Organized Stalkers Around Me - January 23rd, 2014 by f100001011753856