15 October, 2014

1/3 US Muslims support al-Quaeda and suicide bombings - time for building concentration camps

I found a very interesting article about al-Qaeda related with the American mosques. Why don't the US DHS send them into the concentration camps just like during the WWII? Monzana area seems to be still unoccupied and other areas, too. They could bomb around like 911. Why people leaving mosques as the terrorist headquarters?

Pew Report: 1/3 of US Muslims Support Al Qaeda, Suicide Bombs; 25% Came to US Under Bush, Obama.
The mainstream media is hyping the latest Pew Research Center survey on Muslims in America (which is not as extensive or detailed as its 2007 predecessor, which is referenced in my analysis below, also) as showing that Muslims in America are “mainstream,” “moderate,” and “middle class,” just like you and me. But a close look at the survey (I read all 136 pages) reveals that Muslims in America (who often lie to deceive the infidels, per taqiyya) are in fact every bit as radical and extremist as I’ve diagnosed for the last couple of decades. And that they haven’t changed much in the four years since the last survey in 2007. I’ve used both the 2007 and 2011 surveys below, and have noted the years in parentheses, so you know where I’m getting the data for my analysis. The survey shows stark evidence of how President Bush opened the floodgates to Muslim aliens. Oh, and those Muslims he helped, after seeking their endorsement in his Presidential race–they are extremely liberal and support even bigger government and entitlements than we have now . . . by vast majorities.