28 August, 2008

Who are terrorists these days?

I would be on the black list in the FBI, or other intelligence reports. I have no criminal record nor connection with any dangerous assosication. I had no intention to know more about Al Quaeda or where they are nothing more than the curiousity of how the CIA involved with them. TIA (Total Information Awareness) would be used against innocent citizens to be listed on the black lists. I found the below article about how a narcotic officer is listed in the potencial terrorist list and how he was checked at the airports. He figured out that his whistleblowing on the attoney caused him to be on the black list.

Say, if the patliotic "good guys" are on the black list due to the "bad guys working for the US," then who is really a terrorist in such case?
The United States may made pretty good terrorist lists, but the problem is how much information is accurate. If the real terrorist changed witched his or her name with someone else, then how could the US inetelligence to catch the terrorist? They gathered too much information while they have no tool to analyze which information is acculate. I guess they just want to lock people on the list in jail or mental hospital for the safety. This is not a new strategy. They have done to Japanese Americans during WWII. If you lock everyone seemed be stinky, then there would be less risk from the people in the black list.
Meanwhile, the people accused by the whistleblowers are on loose. What if they are the terrorists gathering money from extra works?