21 November, 2013

Muslims in Nigeria killing Christians in the village

Here is an article with the video of the Christian mass killing by the Nigerian Muslims. I am grad that I only got some Germans and Turkish looking Muslims doing the human tracking. In some part of the world, Christians are persecuted in a large group like this way - beaten and put burned.

Is it safe for the Christian minorities? I got some people showing up sometimes and spreading awareness of Muslim terrorism. Well, if they are aware of the Muslims and working with the Muslim informants, what are they doing? Are they taking out Christian minorities who are foreign to their area one by one? If the Christian like the one in the video escaped and moved to another Christian area, will the one claimed as a Muslim? 

Шокиращо! Мюсюлмани горят християни, живеещи в Нигерия! Horrible Video, плашещи изображения! (ВИДЕО)