03 November, 2013

Why Srebrnica was a right choice for the people

The V2K perps were saying that the Muslim men thought the best way to conquer their enemy who are equal or stronger than them is to kidnap the women and make them get babies. These women once taken as hostage and were pregnant  could not welcomed in their villages. Their social status would be a problem for the ethnic-centered social status. What about the babies? Although they did not have babies, it would be hard for them to find someone to marry. People know things better. And for the old fashioned living in the men centered society, it would be a problem for those who has the girls with some problem with Muslims.
According to the V2K perps, Muslims think women as prostitutes if they don't have a husband. Islamic culture has the tendency to count only men and boys and ignoring mother nor daughter in the household. So, I think I can say that womens are sometimes equivalent to the domestic animals in Islamic culture. They would be adapted to someone else's house and they are not allowed to own their properties to be independent.
I think it is right to complain the dangerous aspect of Islamic religion and those Muslims who have the short temper to cut people's head for small reason like translating a wrong book. How about me? I got someone speaking "Assalam Areikum" and talking with someone called "Azuma" on his mobile here in the hostel. I don't see German speaker today but only 2 German cars nearby parking lot and few German cars on the street today in Belgrade. I'm just insulting and thinking to write a story about the Srebrnica type one with positive feeling at the end. We had the New World for the people to go and get normal life once again. Now, we got New World Order controlled by the top elites who are swindlers.

False flag attack? I lock my luggages and kept them in my own room. So, if someone put a bomb, you know who is the most likely Muslim extremists nearby. Check out the Muslims in the same hostel or those Germans working with the Muslim extremists funded by the Deutche Bank like Osama Bin Ladin's family and George W. Bush Sr. I'm telling the truth about the 911 insider job participants like NYPD.

Oh, by the way, when I attended the International Community English Mass at the church near the Belgium Embassy, I saw an Asian man in white hair passing the English mass leaflets. I saw him talking to a tall fat man sat in front of me with a woman. But that Asian man did not show up for the mass. Who was it? Was he one of the gang stalkers who bribe the Christians there for the false witnessing for small money? There seems a mosque in the city, but if someone who looks similar facial feature showing up there and talking to them, please catch that idiot - a Chinese or Japanese or American. I think there might be the false flag operation going on with Muslims hear and there. I'm Islamfobia, ok? And if they attack me, I must defend myself for safety. How many Muslims doing the tourism in Belgrade these days? Are they funded by the Geothe Institut or Deutche Bank?? I wanna stay away from Muslims or their NYPD logo wearing friends for the insider jobs.

Oh, I'm attending the evening mass at the church tonight. So, if the Germans want to show up with their cars or their Muslim extremist friends, I'm ready for filming.