10 August, 2007

Das Leben ist Grausam wenn findet man keine frage antworten.

Ich habe Deutsch lernen ins Deutschkurs. Aber, weniger zeit habe ich für Deutsch lernen. Ich habe Bücher von Amazon.com gekauft und muss ich ihnen lesen. Wenn ich meine Lehrerin sagte, „Ich habe einen Blog gemacht im Internet,“ sie vorschlage andere Deutsch Satze schreiben. Ich denke es ist eine guten Übung.

I'm spending too much time for analysis of gang stalking and e-harassment. I am not an engineer and have less knowledge of e-harassment identification. However, I took most introduction classes for social science and have read many related books. This must be my strength to help other victims. I don't know why the volunteer organizations and religious organizations are taken ober by these gang stalkers. They often replace the hard-working person or people really helping the organization from someone new to the field. According to some gang stalking websites, they say that some organizations receive a new manager or owner in order for reconstruction. What I have learned from other victims and from my own was that some people in certain status have been mind-controled by the salkers so that they can commit something they usually do not to. In my case, I was followed by Department of Defense, infamous of their relation with e-harassment, mind control, and brainwashing.

First, I thought it was only about students' discrimination on me because they thought I was too smart for antrhopology major. (Yeah, I think I was, as I care about moral and ethics that they lack. If they know what they mean, they had not done discrimination on a foreign student. Anthropology major students harassing a foreign student? Gues what they want to do for studying foreign cultures!

Below is the list of what I learned from the analysis of some dictations. You can find them at my website. Also, I attached the picture of the award I received when I worked for Project SHINE at San Jose State University (fixed for privacy of „good people“). I was the only one in Dr. English-Lueck's Anth142, Culture in Mind, class, received some kind of award from the site we volunteered. Later, Sarah, the coordinator started the harasment in Anth 187 class. She spread rumors in the classroom and tailgated my car from the garage sometime. The SJSU police probably has the CD-ROM I submitted as the evidence. I still keep some files about what students' were talking in that classroom for my evidences. I was the one being sent to a mental hospital to protect these American students. I never thought to be threatened from the school psychiatrist. This could happen to any international student attending or planning to study at San Jose State University. I warn you, the real Holocaust is going on in the United States!!!