28 October, 2007

Here is the files from Japanese Self Defence Force Counter-Intelligence.

If anyone works for any intelligence, you might already have these documents in your agency. They are part of the copy from the works of Japanese Self Defence Force Counter-Intelligence team. The military has been expanding their skill and workers. Anyone interested to warn Japanese military expansion in East Asia again, check out the information in the files.
They are the partial documents from Tohoku region counter-intelligence works. Sorry, everything is in Japanese. However, you can learn how they are actually handling the information and how organizing the data. If you know someone in the military, you can slip the information using this format. They probably cannot figure out the fake file with the real one, due to the infamous “sectionalism.” I am free to hire. Ich bin arbeitlos. I live with organized stalkers, though. What I can do is R&D, a typical ex-social science related person can do.

From blow, you can download real but expired Self Defence Force Documents.


According to some articles, there are about 14000 people working for the counter-intelligence as a foot solder in Japan. I don't know if they want to go somewhere for invasion in future.